My measurements don't determine my self worth

in #selflove7 years ago

23823447_928509180636027_5558693850127532032_n(1).jpgSo I came across the photo on the left today. I have been really beating myself up about not being at my pre baby weight again. My baby will be two in spring and for some crazy reason I have been self hating. In a very toxic way about not loosing the last 20 pounds (Have lost 55 pounds so far since baby). And had this image in my mind about how different I use to look while living in Vancouver with a much more active liftstyle. I stopped today to take this photo to see how different I see myself from now to then. Twenty pounds heavier (the right). I also found my measurements from then on a document I needed (from a dress fitting) and I am the exact same now as I was then. Why does my mind play such tricks... What you can’t see in the photo on the right is a message I wrote to myself on my mirror ❤️Be Kind To Yourself❤️ I am on the path to more kindness to my self. I pride myself on always practicing kindness to others all the time, yet if only I did the same in my daily self care routine. The last couple months have been a turning point and I have been working hard to do exactly that #moreselfcare #moreselflove💕 #mymeasurementsdontdeterminemyselfworth


Thank you for this honest post. Especially we women are treating our body often sooo bad! We are beautiful and perfect just the way we are. And real beauty never has something to do with pounds or kilos (in germany we say kilo..). And you ar soo beautiful. Self love is damn sexy!

@love-your-wild Thanks hunny I really appreciate it! And your so right I think about how hard I am on myself about my body yet it has done the most beautiful things for me and gives me the most amazing gifts and abilities. It has been producing and feeding two children for almost five years now its just so amazing! Yes real beauty has nothing to do with pounds or kilo. Thanks my friend!

You have a beautiful body! Don't hate on it, It keeps you alive ( ;