“I Created It, No Body Made Me Play” – My Addiction: How to conquer who you truly want to be. Day 4

in #selfhelp7 years ago

Forging ahead bridge.jpeg

Hello fellow Steemians,

Today I didn’t have the 9-5 to go to but I didn’t want to feel like I didn’t have any “work” to do. I woke up at 9:00 AM and started on a list immediately. I got into it , and certainly noticed signs of laziness, and or just having a hard time focus in general. I can feel gut feeling telling me not to entertain these thoughts and to keep forging ahead.

One thing that is helping me greatly right now, is an understanding of the fact that this is a process, and not to be too incredibly strict on myself. Being able to have the discipline to cut those distracting thoughts off and keep forging ahead with real work and goals is the key, but also being able to recognize that it’s not a problem to break every now and then and come back to the work is extremely encouraging as well!

My finances are one thing that have been affected by this addiction. This morning it was nice to knock out some really good job applications to work that I truly enjoy more than what I am doing now. This is when I feel the true power of taking advantage of my time more. Everything has literally improved, my home’s cleanliness on a daily (not weekly) basis, my own personal self-growth goals (flossing teeth before bed, improving gym routine & diet etc.,) I know these may seem like small goals but they are ever so essential to my overall growth in my mind.

I now realize a very important part in this process. It’s called results! One of the largest discouraging factors about attempting this before, was that I couldn’t break the routine even a little bit, therefore never having the luxury of seeing my results. Results give us hope, and provide a light at the end of our challenges tunnel. I believe this is a huge key to not only changing a habit but developing new ones that are meant to stay!

Thank you for your Comments, Upvotes, Repost.

Email me about an issue you are having , I am more than happy to help and share. contact info below!

Gmail: currentwave.write@gmail.com

With Love,
Current Wave


Right on man! Keep up the good work!

yeah man, results are definitely important! when you start to notice your more productive and slowly happier with yourself, it starts getting easier! keep on keeping on man, the battle is uphill but your drive will keep building!