Do things sometimes get the better of me? Yes, absolutely, I am human and while I feel that I am generally well balanced and tend to look at these events objectively, it doesn't mean that I am oblivious to the knock on effects that they have.
Yesterday and last night it was bitterly cold here. My fingers didn't want to type, but I still pushed through with the help of coffee and sheer willpower. When bedtime arrived I was relieved and after LL was wrapped up and soundly asleep I put on one of my favourite bands and caught up with the housework.
I listened to felt how the melancholic (yet blatantly true) lyrics jarred with the upbeat tempo of the song and it somehow had the profound effect of making me feel better. Perhaps that's kinda weird, but it felt perfectly normal, that even when there is absolute chaos and destruction raging, there is still something to counter it. In that moment it felt like a pressure release valve had been opened and the acceptance of the dichotomy felt liberating.
There's a shit load of stuff in life that we simply shouldn't accept. Atrocities are committed every day and we are made aware of them regularly. Often we are only shown parts of a bigger picture, yet we can only do what is within our power to change the status quo and it starts at grass roots level, in our own lives. We always have a choice - we can either be a force for good or a force for bad. We can stand for justice or become the perpetrators of injustice. It is very simple concept yet very difficult in today's world.
Even when the world seems dark and things are uncertain, we can still choose to glow, that power is always within us, we just need to learn how to do it.
I took this photo of Miffy glowing in the dark even though the bunny looks really sad. It seemed to illustrate it perfectly to me. Doing what's right isn't always easy, but it can light the way for others. I've stood up to injustice on many occasions and it was never pleasant, but it was only when I did that, that other people around me started to even notice and then like dominoes, others also found some courage to do the same when faced with similar choices. So even though that experience was horrendous for me and cost me dearly, I know that had I chosen inaction, it would have sat on my conscience until my last breath. I have found acceptance of my difficult path because I know the path least travelled is most often than not, the right one.

If one person lights a candle that inspires another to do the same and that's repeated often, the world would be a brighter place. It's much the same as your glow comment.
Becca 🌷
Hi Becca
Thanks for the comment, it's always good to show people that they can effect change even if in a small way. I think you are a candle from what I've read of your life and I certainly do find inspiration in your posts. Have a beautiful day.
I always remind myself of this line. No matter how dark our days are, there is always light somewhere. We just need to find it. Besides, the sun always shines anyway. If you can't see it, it's just hiding behind dark clouds and would come out once the rain receded. Thanks for this thoughtful post. ☺
Hi Jane. It's always good to take a minute and gain perspective, take stock of what is within our power to change and see that there is always the possibility of better things ahead. Thank you for your comment and taking the time to reply. Have a good day 🌻
If we would all learn to glow in the dark...
Sending you a hug
Hi Vincent.
Thank you for the thoughtful message and hug. We can only hope for things to improve as people start to stand together ☀️
You're welcome :<)
I believe that this is one of the things that us, people, are always striving for,
eventhough it doesn't seem like it when we focus on all the fear, uncertainty and doubt around us.
@tipu curate
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Thank you @robibasa I appreciate it.