How much of our identities are constructed based upon a host experiences spanning over a lifetime? Is that the who of what we are? Or is the substance of our being, the matter of our minds the totality of what makes us? What of nature versus nurture is relevant? The rather recent foray into epigenetics espouses that both influences equally contribute towards the building of persona and furthermore, takes into consideration a persons ancestral heritage as well as the triggers that would influence the forging of very specific personality traits.
Who am I? The age old question. This is the human condition. Self actualization, a higher order type of endeavor. When I'm not in survival mode, I can ponder the answer. When in my typical base iteration, such contemplation is a luxury. Always in the anxious and neurotic fashion does my desire to achieve notoriety compel me to move forward, one toe at a time.
So if we were to beg the question about who the persona behind this authorship is, I might endeavor to tell you my story. While unique, it is not uncommon. But I won't. I'll you make inferences and read between the lines.
What I can tell you is that I am a sultry, sexy, intelligent female who is too smart for her own good.
I will be writing, anonymously about my life and my experiences. I will not care whether anyone gleans value from my words, I will simply write, some times stream of consciousness and other times, fully intentional.
I am ever changing, a dynamic human being who passes away with each day and experiences a rebirth at each dawn. I'm both above and under it. I am humble like the salt flats and haughty as the withered peaks. I can be both suffocating and understanding at the same time. You will either be bored with my verbosity or you will relish in my force of nature. I am. That I am.
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