Become the Author of Your Own World & Words

in #self8 years ago (edited)

Become the author of your own world and words, write your own story.

Let us look at this word ''authority'' (n.) Traced back to early 13th century, derived from autorite of a book or quotation that settles an argument, from Old French auctorité meaning permission, the Scriptures 12th century; Modern French autorité, from Latin- auctoritatem (nominative auctoritas) "invention, advice, opinion-from auctor "master, leader, author. Meaning "power to enforce obedience" is from late 14c.; meaning "people in authority" is from 1610s.

So, basically to break the word authority which casts a spell on humanity, let us break this illusion down, authority is just a fiction written by the authors that desire to control humanity because that is where the authors gains their power, from feeding off of a true power source in us, human beings we have the truer power and authority in our world among our communities, our families and tribes where we are the sovereign beings with our own free will, thoughts and power.

We are not persons or corporate fictions owned by the Crown corporation, which is simply another author that desires control through illusions because it has no genuine power source of its own, the same with every other authority that exists in civilization.

Reclaim your freedom and break down your illusion of this spell of 'authority' that humanity is under . Without us, the author of authority is nothing, we do not have to read or endorse their book of rules, especially as theirs is destroying the Earth and driving ecocide, let us write and define our own reality in our own words and in our own imaginations and hearts.

Who do you think has true power here, authority or us, humanity? Authority has nothing to do with true power but everything to do with control and feeding off of humanity, almost consuming us as if we were the food of this fictitious illusion of authority, humanity is the true power, why do you think we are being fed off via taking our attention, our taxes, energy, health, natural resources and our time? We are the ones that have the power, that is why.

We have been giving authority our power continually and we do not know it, until we start waking up, authority tries to control us because we are the power source, we have the true power.

Why do you think authority uses violence to control us? We have the true power!

Why does authority use mind control? Again, because we have more power than we realize.

We have the power to co-creating our own version of reality by using our own kingdom of Imagination, I-magic-nation, I- am the- magic- of my own (eye)- i- nation, the kingdom of my soul, heart and mind are my nation. I am my own sovereignty, the consciousness that flows through me is connected to the consciousness of our God source and therefore my consciousness and your consciousness co-creates with this God source, that is why we have imaginations, the gift and magic of seeing in our own inner nations as a tool to create our own dreams and desires into a perceived and experienced external reality.

We can magically create what we want to see manifest in our world, if we use our hearts and our intelligence to define our own reality without the consensus reality that is dictated to us by authority.The authors of authority are without an inner power source of their own, this is why they have written a fictitious construct that is no longer beneficial to humanity or Planet Earth.

Authority as it stands, is a destructive construct that is feeding off of the genuine power of humanity and we need to realize this in order to empower ourselves and break down the destructive construction of this illusion, of this authorized consensus illusion. Authority is not all powerful, when we remove ourselves from agreeing with that illusion, authority no longer has power.

Why do you think the media and film industry is a multi-dollar industry? Not just because they are part of a propaganda machine but because they are trying to occupy your mind and own the power of your imagination.

Your own power is worth far more than any old archaic wizard behind a curtain...... Realize you, me and everyone of us is powerful if not more so than any authority combined, we are far more powerful as sovereign beings and as global and local communities or as a tribe.

Use your own power wisely, live life on your own terms, not on the terms dictated to you by fictitious authorities that are a parasitic entity and nothing to do with allowing humanity our own true power or freedom, self expression or sovereignty.

We do not need authority to have permission to be free sovereign beings, we do not need authority to choose to live sustainably or to take care of planet Earth for future generations, we do not need authority to choose what kind of healthcare or medicine we give ourselves or our children, we do not need authority to choose our or our children's education, and we do not need authority to create a peaceful world, peace is only achieved when violence is not used to impose authority on civilizations.

Authority needs us, so herein lay the answers of who has the true power and control here, you and humanity. Live your life, dreams and desires on your own terms, and never give up hope as we have the power together to redefine our choices for the future, a peaceful vision for Earth and a Freer Humanity.
Carlita Shaw,
Author of The Silent Ecocide (purchasable on in paperback or kindle)


I asked myself why the people arrange their lifes serving authorities (people with more power or corporations). I came to the conclusion that mostly people act out of a position of fear. Finally it's the fear of death. We all have to learn to overcome that fear. So wie regain the connection to our real power. And so the scarcity disappears.

They need sheep but no brains, that's why those system of power are created. The fear of chaos is also a very nice weapon.

yes that is so!

Great article Carlita, you talented soul ;-)

oh thank you, I am glad it resonates with you x