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RE: internet censorship in Russia: a brief essay

in #self-power5 years ago (edited)

Independent sources clearly show that many economic indicators are in constant improvement in Russia for many years now, can you explain exactly what you mean by decline and corruption of the state?

You are using a soft language, something that I really don't like, something a typical westerner would use. To be honest, the whole article felt more like someone is frustrated or some kind of propaganda. You need to back up your claim with data, especially the economic and political claims, you can't just throw un-elected like if it's nothing and move on.

Defending a country against unforeseen threats goes way beyond your cries for Youtube and Facebook, there must be reasoning and critical thinking of when something needs to be done to defend the cultural integrity of a nation against people like you. You also completely ignored the international arena, and how international inputs can push a country to act in a specific way. This is not a Utopia, politics is a dirty thing, in Russia, and every country out there.

You speak like a traitor.

My suggestion, GTFO of Russia, we don't need people like you.

You literally sold our nation for 2 pennies.


we don't need people like you.

clarify who is 'we'? you and your yellow dog?

no, actually it is you sound like a traitor. blind idiot traitor who cannot read longreed and take information critically. adios

You clearly have a severe case of cognitive dissonance.

Keep on kissing westerners' ass, you will pay for it one day.

I clearly see your pattern is to discuss my person instead of my post. good luck with that, and asshole yourself.

Data don't care about your emotions, deal with it. Either you back up your claims with data or shut it up. The article was written by a woman on her period o or something and if you are a man, that's even more worrisome. Your perception is too narrow and you don't understand how politics and defense work, you wrote a drama script for the pennies this is pathetic. Your kind (new generation of ass kissers) will gladly vote for a president and ass kisser similar to Boris Yeltsin just because you can't enter Facebook.

Selling a nation for 2 peenies.