It is important to be kind to yourself each day! Some days you will feel like you can accomplish anything. Some days you might feel really defeated. We are allowed to have good days and bad days. Not too many people wake up each day & say how can I do my worst today? How can I f#*% everything up? Some days your best will be 100%. Other days your best might only be 50% or even 20%. Don't beat yourself up about it. You can only give what you're able to give. You can't give something you don't have. Besides, your 50% might be better than someone's 100%. Wayne Dyer once said to "Row your boat gently down the stream"...We shouldn't make life any harder than it already is. Be as kind & forgiving to yourself as possible. Love yourself! Know that you are doing the best you can.
My first post! Yay!