Self-Hypnosis Script as a Supplement to Guided Meditation Session (both "Co-Created" w/ ChatGPT-4)

in #self-hypnosislast year (edited)

Supplemental To?

This 'Self-Hypnosis,' or 'Hypnotize Yourself as You Read,' script is designed to be read in conjunction with listening to an audio-recorded version of the guided meditation, which I have provided in text form here.

As of today (1/9/24), the guided meditation in question has not yet been converted into an audio recording. My plan is to create a comprehensive guided meditation session from it, complete with suitable background music and ambiance, as well as a high-quality text-to-speech conversion of the text. Currently, I feel that text-to-speech programs haven't quite reached the level of a human reader or a hypnotist reciting the script in terms of voice quality. However, they are rapidly approaching this standard. I anticipate that within a year or even less, AI will have achieved the desired level of quality, at which point I intend to use it for this purpose.

With that tangent aside...

What Is a "Hypnotize Yourself as You Read" Script?

In ChatGPT-4's own words, this type of script:

"can be an empowering tool for personal growth and transformation. At its core, it's about guiding oneself into a state of focused relaxation to facilitate positive change. One effective method is the use of self-hypnosis scripts that employ 'I-statement' affirmations."

It then goes on to define it as:

"a type of self-hypnosis technique where the reader, serving as both the hypnotist and the subject, reads through a series of affirmations and suggestions written in the first-person. These scripts are characterized by:

1.) Self-Directed Affirmations: The script consists of positive affirmations and suggestions in 'I-statement' form. This approach personalizes the experience, making the impact more direct and potent.

2.) Induction through Reading: The process begins by reading the script, which gradually guides the reader into a relaxed and suggestible state. The simplicity of the text allows for easy induction without complex procedures.

3.) Empowerment and Change: As the reader verbalizes each affirmation, they internalize the message, facilitating a change in thought patterns, behaviors, and emotional responses."

ChatGPT then concludes that:

"these scripts demystify the process of self-hypnosis, making it accessible and practical for everyday use. By employing 'I-statement' affirmations, individuals can effectively become their own hypnotist, unlocking the power of their subconscious to foster positive transformation."

How I Converted the Guided Meditation into a Self-Hypnosis Script, of the Above Definition

Again, I leverage ChatGPT, itself, to do the explaining and defining (because "why not?"):

"Transforming a guided meditation into a complementary self-hypnosis script is a nuanced process, made efficient with the help of AI like ChatGPT:


1.) Present the Guided Meditation: The original guided meditation script is given to ChatGPT as a reference point.

2.) Define the Self-Hypnosis Objective: Clarify that the goal is to create a "Hypnotize Yourself as You Read" script. This type of script uses first-person narration for self-guided hypnosis and is meant to supplement, not replace, the guided meditation.

3.) Instruction for Alignment: Instruct ChatGPT to craft the script in a way that aligns with the themes and metaphors of the guided meditation, ensuring it serves as an effective supplemental tool.

4.) AI-Driven Script Creation: ChatGPT follows instruction #'s 1-3, transforming the guided meditation into a "supplemental" self-hypnosis script. This adaptation maintains thematic consistency with the original meditation, while rephrasing content into first-person affirmations suitable for self-hypnosis.

By following these steps, a guided meditation script is seamlessly converted into a self-hypnosis script that complements and enhances the original meditation experience, facilitated by AI."

Now That you Know What this Type of Self-Hypnosis is and How I Created it From the Guided Meditation in Question

I give you the supplemental "Hypnotize Yourself as You Read" script - "Luminous Journey: A Self-Empowerment Hypnosis Script." (...and, yes, this title was suggested by Mr. ChatGPT... I mean, seriously, what do you expect at this point...):

(The following script is meant to be read aloud to yourself, in the manner that's instructed within the text. All-caps text is meant to be read with special emphasis, even re-read at a slower pace of speech, should you choose. However, it can be an effective tool regardless of whether these special instructions are followed.)

“As I begin this healing session, I find a comfortable setting where I can be peacefully undisturbed. As I read these words aloud, I let the sound of my own voice soothe and calm me. My voice is a powerful tool, guiding me into a deeper state of relaxation and receptiveness.

“With each word I read, I allow myself to RELAX MORE DEEPLY. I feel my muscles loosening, any TENSION SLOWLY MELTING AWAY. I imagine this relaxation as a wave of warmth that starts at the top of my head and gently flows down through my body. This warmth brings tranquility and peace as it moves slowly downward, relaxing my forehead, my eyes, my cheeks, my jaw, and on down, through the remainder of my body.

“As I continue to read, I take a deep breath in, feeling the air fill my lungs, bringing with it a SENSE OF CALM AND PEACE. I hold this breath for a moment, SAVORING THIS FEELING OF STILLNESS. As I exhale slowly, I release any remaining tension or stress. With each breath, I find myself DRIFTING DEEPER INTO RELAXATION.

“I now focus on the sound of my voice, allowing it to anchor me in this present moment. As I speak these words, I feel a CONNECTION TO A DEEP INNER-TRUTH. My voice resonates with confidence and clarity, IMPARTING WISDOM and insight.

“As I begin to RELAX DEEPER, I visualize myself in a lush, tranquil forest. This forest is a sanctuary of peace and contentment, a place where healing energies are palpable in the air. The towering old-growth trees form a protective canopy above, their leaves whispering the ancient secrets of health and well-being.

“I ENGAGE ALL OF MY SENSES, as I immerse myself in this forest. I hear the gentle rustling of leaves, a soothing symphony that CALMS MY MIND. The soft, earthy scent of the forest floor fills my nostrils, GROUNDING ME IN THIS MOMENT. I feel the cool, refreshing air on my skin, contrasting with the dappled warmth of sunlight filtering through the branches.

“In this tranquil forest, I find a comfortable spot to lie down and have myself a refreshing nap. The ground beneath me is soft, covered with a carpet of moss and fallen leaves. Here, in this peaceful haven, I allow myself to BELIEVE IN THE POWER OF MY OWN WORDS. As I read each suggestion, I ACCEPT IT AS MY TRUTH. My subconscious mind is OPEN AND RECEPTIVE, ready to embrace these positive affirmations and INTEGRATE THEM INTO MY BEING.

“Surrounded by the nurturing embrace of the forest, I FEEL A DEEP CONNECTION to nature and to the healing journey I am on. Each word I read and speak resonates with the energy of this place, REINFORCING MY PATH TOWARDS HOLISTIC HEALTH.

“As I continue through this session, I remain in a DEEPLY RELAXED STATE of consciousness that is WIDE OPEN TO SUGGESTIONS. This state will persist throughout the process of reading the following words, allowing me to FULLY ABSORB AND INTERNALIZE the healing messages contained within them.

“I am assured that, at the conclusion of this session, upon reading the 'Wake Up' section, I will effortlessly return to a state of wakeful awareness. This 'Wake Up' process will gently guide me back, leaving me feeling refreshed, alert, and renewed. Until then, I am safe and comfortable in this DEEP STATE OF RELAXATION, FULLY OPEN TO THE POSITIVE CHANGES I am making.


“As I continue in this deeply relaxed state, I focus on the concept of holistic healing and rejuvenation. I visualize a sphere of healing light surrounding me. This light is not just a glow but a dynamic force, shimmering with the vibrancy of countless tiny stars. It's a celestial mist, swirling around me in a mesmerizing dance of light and energy. Each movement of this light FEELS LIKE A GENTLE CARESS, a thousand soft fingers massaging my being, INFUSING EVERY CELL WITH REVITALIZING POWER.

“This luminous essence envelops me, PENETRATING DEEP into the core of my cells. I imagine this light as a NURTURING FORCE, buffing and enhancing the 'stats' of my cells, much like upgrading attributes in an RPG game. Each cell is IMBUED WITH NEWFOUND HEALTH, STRENGTH, VITALITY, and RESILIENCE. I visualize this process as a BEAUTFUL ALIGNMENT of light and life within me, ENHANCING MY PHYSICAL, MENTAL, and EMOTIONAL WELL-BEING.

“As this healing energy works its magic, I turn my attention to my subconscious mind – my POWERFUL ALLY in this journey of self-improvement. I see my subconscious as an intricate network, akin to the hidden mechanics of a complex game, operating silently but effectively behind the scenes. It's like programming in an RPG, working tirelessly to OPTIMIZE MY HEALTH and HAPPINESS.

“I imagine PROGRAMMING MY SUBCONSCIOUS WITH POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS and goals. Each thought and word is a command, setting my subconscious on a path towards achieving my goal of FULLY OPTIMIZING MY HOLISTIC HEALTH. I see this as a 'cheat code,' a secret advantage that empowers me to OVERCOME OBSTACLES and POSITIVELY EVOLVE.

“With each breath, I draw in more of this healing energy, feeling it REJUVENATE AND REVITALIZE EVERY PART OF ME. It’s as if every aspect of my being is LEVELING UP, gaining new skills and abilities. I feel a PROFOUND SENSE OF HEALING, growth and transformation.

“I embrace this visualization, feeling a DEEP CONNECTION TO HEALING POWER within and around me. My body, mind, and spirit are IN PERFECT HARMONY, each aspect enhanced and ALIGNED TOWARDS MY HIGHEST GOOD.

“As I BASK IN THIS FEELING of rejuvenation and empowerment, I affirm to myself: "I am the architect of my health and happiness. My subconscious mind is my ally, my body is resilient, and my spirit is indomitable." Together, they work in perfect synergy, guiding me towards a state of COMPLETE WELL-BEING AND FULFILLMENT.

“Now, as I continue to bask in this rejuvenating energy, I turn my attention to the inner-flame that resides within me – a symbol of my inherent strength, courage, and resilience. This inner-flame represents my ability to confront and transform challenges, fears, and suffering into opportunities for growth and empowerment.

“I visualize this inner-flame as a radiant source of light and heat within my core, a beacon of UNYIELDING STRENGTH THAT HAS ALWAYS BEEN A PART OF ME. I acknowledge that this flame can be intensified and harnessed to overcome any obstacle. Just as a mighty dragon breathes fire, transforming everything in its path, I too possess the power to breathe out flames of courage and resilience, TURNING ADVERSITY INTO TRIUMPH.

“With each breath, I FEEL THIS INNER-FLAME GROWING STRONGER, more vibrant. It empowers me, INSTILLING A SENSE OF UNSHAKEABLE CONFIDENCE AND RESOLVE. I realize that my fears and challenges are but stepping stones on my path, and I have the inner-strength to navigate them.

“This INNER-FLAME, NOW VIVIDLY ALIVE IN MY CONSCIOUSNESS, joins the symphony of healing and transformation I have been cultivating. My body, mind, and spirit are not only in harmony but also EMPOWERED TO FACE ANY CHALLENGE. My subconscious mind, attuned to this realization, works in unison with my conscious will, optimizing my holistic health and resilience.

“With this newfound understanding, I reaffirm to myself: 'I am the architect of my health and happiness. My subconscious mind is my ally, my body is resilient, and my spirit, fueled by an indomitable inner-flame, is FEARLESS AND STRONG.' Together, they form an unbreakable bond, propelling me towards a life of fulfillment, well-being, and courage.

“Now, I introduce a simple, yet powerful technique: an 'anchor.' This anchor is the action of touching my thumb to my index finger. This physical gesture becomes a potent symbol of all the healing energy, inner-strength, and positive affirmations I’ve embraced during this session. Whenever I touch my thumb to my index finger, it instantly brings back feelings of health, strength, and tranquility. It reactivates my inner state of healing, aligning me with my aspirations for holistic health, and reignites the surging inner-flame of courage and resilience. It’s a direct link to the sense of empowerment and rejuvenation I’ve experienced, a tool I can use anytime to renew my commitment to my health and happiness.

“With this anchor firmly established, I carry with me the vivid memories of this healing journey and a tangible way to reconnect with these transformative experiences and insights in my daily life. I am ready to face the world with a renewed sense of purpose and strength, knowing that I am equipped with all the tools I need for my journey towards complete well-being and fulfillment."

(The Wake-Up)

“As I prepare to conclude this healing session, I begin to bring my awareness back to the present moment. I will count from one to five, and with each number, I will become more alert and refreshed. One... beginning to awaken. Two... becoming aware of my surroundings. Three... feeling balanced and rejuvenated. Four... feeling positive and energized. Five... now fully awake, carrying with me a renewed sense of health and gratitude, ready to embrace my day with confidence and peace.”

Link to the Sole "Chat Session" w/ ChatGPT-4 that Was Used in the Making Of this Self-Hypnosis Script (converted from a pre-existing guided meditation):