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RE: Rewiring Your Brain for Fun and Profit - The Fallacy of Self-Help

in #self-help8 years ago

Actually, it's funny you bring up luck.
My post was inspired by a brilliant post by @cryptogee
About how luck is not a factor. Even though people perceive you as lucky. You can't attract luck.
The fact that the law of attraction gets sold as scheme to get rich or to achieve your dreams, is what really irks me.


Hehe...i know which post you mean. I commented on that one too, saying that luck is not a passive state.
It's something you need to be prepared for. Either by learning in advance or having the right ressources at that moment to be able to accept your "luck".
If you aren't prepared the luck will simply pass you.

Yeah i know what you mean with that self-help gurus, but isn't it that people actively decide to believe them and give them their money although there's enough info on the net for free. It comes always down to the same. Educate yourself and resolve dependencies to external persons/knowledge by doing so.
The more you know the lower the chances that others can scam you.

I would say you can attract luck. But not by thinking that you're lucky and that you deserve it. You need to be prepared and work for it. And then it's taking opportunities.

in the first half or so you shoot down the concept of the law of attraction then in the last part you show how you implemented the principles to make it work for you.

you're kinda crazy Huh?

check out this audio book that's been around for quite a while maybe it can help you see the connection between how you think, act and create the circumstances that you experience i love this book it changed my life it is called "As a man Thinketh"
this is an audio book on youtube

Sorry, but the law of attraction is a far cry from the NLP techniques. What I tried to explain in this article is the big gap between a marketing product like 'the secret' and the teachings of people who actually did research in this field.