Day 68- Why is Nobody Helping Me?

in #self-forgiveness5 years ago

From Day 68- Why is Nobody Helping Me?

A thought came up the other day that ‘I am not getting the feedback I
need/deserve from other Destonians’. I have been participating on the forum
for 9 years. When I first started, it was a lot more active than it is
these days, where it is mostly just a few of us posting our Journey to Life
blogs. I’ve thought ‘this is supposed to be a platform of support, why
is nobody giving me feedback on my writings?” 

Within this is a stance
of passivity, where I expect another to do something for me. Yes, there
is a general expectation that the platform is there for people to
interact and give feedback/support to others, but nobody is being paid
to participate there and in no way is there an obligation for this
feedback to occur. Thus, my entitlement to receiving feedback is

And, when I really look at it, I haven’t given much
feedback to others on the forum. 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think I am not getting the feedback I deserve on the Desteni forum.

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to believe
I deserve feedback on the Desteni forum when and how I want it- instead
of considering that forum members are real people with their own lives
who may have any number of reasons for not wanting/being able to provide
feedback to me

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed
myself to not realize that believing I am entitled to feedback on the
Desteni forum implies that I desire to receive feedback without
explicitly asking for feedback, engendering an attitude of passivity
where I expect to receive something for nothing.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not ask for feedback on the Desteni forum, instead of wondering and hoping
and wishing to receive feedback on my posts, hiding behind the
expectation that, because I read somewhere once that it is ‘supposed’ to
be a platform of support, I should receive this support automatically
without specifically asking for it if I have not received the support I

When and as I see myself think ‘I am not getting the support I require on the Desteni forum’, I stop and I breathe.
I see, realize, and understand that I am not entitled to receive
anything in this life. If someone wants to give feedback, cool.

and as I see myself believe I am entitled to receive feedback on the
Desteni forum, I stop and I breathe. I see, realize, and understand that
I am capABLE of asking for feedback if I need it.

When and as I
see myself go into fear in relation to asking for feedback on a certain
topic/issue I am struggling with, I stop and I breathe. I see, realize,
and understand that communication is important in getting the specific
help I need, otherwise, how can anyone know what I require?

I commit myself to ask for feedback if I need it