The Journey Inward - Exploring Self-Discovery

in #self-discovery3 months ago

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Hello fellow Hiveans, hope you all are fine and doing good. In each and everyone's life, there comes a time when one has to stop and think about themselves and discover who you are becoming. A path one should go through before knowing one better. It always starts with when we embark on a journey for something deeper from our heart. It's all about trying to find answers to some simple yet fundamental questions or thoughts like who am I? Purpose? True meaning of life? These type of thoughts or questions may seem simple but in reality they sure pack an emotional journey in our lives to seek answers. In our life, the things we accomplish can only satisfy our external validation. They may bring a temporary satisfaction, but your life will be fulfilled only when you challenge your inner self satisfaction which requires a great deal discipline and bravery to merge into the depths of one's inner thoughts.

The things which can accompany us to explore our inner selves are insights and keen awareness on the situation we are in. Always evaluate your actions and thoughts filled with emotions with a right mind. A negative mind can play your situation like it's a bad thing and only happens to you. A pleasant mind can bring positive thoughts in a negative situation and make you stand into the situation you are in and help you remove the distractions in your past or the future. Learn from your mistakes and experiences to get a clarity on your actions and try to not repeat those which you feel are bad for your growth. Each of these methods will ensure to face your thoughts, fears and desires to shape and nurture your daily life.

A person who change their values and beliefs depending on the situation is a person who lost their identity and should focus on standing on their ground no matter what the consequences. The compass that guides you in your life is the character you represent and the values you follow. Many may come with their family, culture or society principles can no longer useful for what you are about to become. The one who discover their self consist shifting through these inherited norms and retain their personality which authenticates self and discard the rest. As you used to give thoughts on your values you began to make choices that embrace your true personality and integrity. This process of transformation allows your life to not dictated by external expectations but moved by your inner self.

Some tasks are not always easy and they can be challenging, like talking about your discomforts, insecurities. Discomforts such as past wounds and acknowledging the patterns of your behaviour that no longer serves you any good. It's all about thinking of it as not a barrier but a bridge to betterment of yourself. Such situations boost up your resilience within you and embrace your deeper self understanding. Each step you cross in life will leave something behind to noteworthy for a greater good of yourself and getting experience on how to navigate life with confidence and clarity.

Almost all the time, our self discovery involves as if it was ten fold like an onion. But, it has it's rewards on each step of the way. Not seeking validation or any form of conform from others is the true identity you seek in your life. With genuineness in your life you get a sense of freedom, inner peace and joy. Dwelling into one's self discovery gives you a sense of purpose and guide you to pursuit your thoughts with your heart and soul.

These inward journey is not a one time thing, but a lifelong process which will grow at each and every step of your life and gives a new layer of your identity and purpose in your life.