To think on this quote a bit more, for me it’s never been about thinking ‘big’, it’s about thinking ‘what would last’, what will stand the test of time and difficult conditions. I’m happy with my lot in life so far, but maybe it’s time I think a little bigger. :)
I’m not sure if think big is the best way to word what I was trying to address here. Nevertheless, thinking about things that will last and stand the test of time sounds like you’re thinking pretty big to me.
Maybe thinking without limits is a better way of wording it, or thinking with less limits, or maybe even thinking with broader perspectives. When I listened to an interview with Jeff Bezos recently, he talked about basically living two or three years in the future all the time, and about a time in the future where a trillion human beings could live across the universe.
When I heard that, I thought to myself, Wow! This guy is thinking on a totally different level than I am. And then I thought back to a Bob Proctor talk I once heard where he said he invited a prospective partner to spend a few days in his house so that she could see how the super wealthy live because he knew that if she didn’t see it, she wouldn’t understand it. Everything in his life was focused on giving him more time to focus on his purpose. He used his money to hire help so that he could triple or even quadruple the amount of time he had to use. And, according to him, he knew that, though his prospective partner was quite rich, she wouldn’t understand the level he was living on without seeing and experiencing it.
When I say thinking big, I’m referring to seeing and thinking beyond what we know and are accustomed to; seeing over the walls in a sense.
Thank you for your extended reply, it made me chuckle even though I am taking it in seriously. I know what you meant, and I was just expressing a different approach. I think even if I wasn’t limited by time or money, I’d still think about durability and maintenance. It comes from being innately lazy and non-commital. I love to know I have free time and nothing planned. It would be safe to say I’ve built my life to afford this luxury. To just be able to roll up in bed, read a good book or dream, to let someone else save the world or execute plans of grandiosity. Thinking ‘big’ wasn’t on my agenda, finding inner peace was. I’m not a tranquil person, I’m highly strung and a stresshead, so I’m constantly at battle with myself. So if I was to hire people to do stuff for me so I have more time, I’d probably just want them to go away, because their presence is invading my space. I equate thinking big with more work. You have to love these big ideas to want to make the effort and sacrifices. Because there would be sacrifice.
With all that said, which probably makes no sense, wealth to me is wealth in time. I think as I get older, this has become more and more clear. So if I was to think bigger, I need to think, how can I find more time to do nothing? I’m possibly misguided, but really, I’m just disorganised. So, I need to start thinking how to better organise my time in my bigger thinking...
If you’re confused by my reply, know that I am too. I don’t know what my point was!🤣
Ahhh ... time to roll up in bed and read a book, or just let nothing happen for a day or two. I do miss being able to do that.
You’re right, big ideas often mean big sacrifices. A lot of things I have been listening to and reading have sounded intriguing to me, but a lot of them have made me feel like, This is a great idea, but I don’t think it’s for me.
I think that thinking big can also be equated to thinking long term, or thinking about more people. As with everything, how something fits into one’s life depends on the person.