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RE: The Words We Choose

in #self-development6 years ago

My wife would like this, because it's something she tried to foster in our kids through conversation and post-it notes. Recently the whiteboard on our fridge said "Dream big and then go out an do it." Today it says "Yes I can," above which my son wrote がんばって (he's studying Japanese).

I find this funny because, in a screenplay that I'll likely never finish, there is a character who has terrible things happen in her dreams. Not knowing this, her mother keeps sending her inspirational quotes like "May All Your Dreams Come True."

I don't believe I've ever "thought big." There is a character in the book House of God who follows the instructions on postcards he receives in the mail to end up in medical school and then residency. I've always thought that I just drifted along into my current life in much the same way, letting others nudge me along.


That’s interesting. I’ve been wondering how to go about developing this with my children. Recently, I was listening to Jeff Bezos talk about having heroes and role models, which I’ve never really had, and it finally dawned on me how important they are to inspiring and developing one’s potential, etc.

I’ve pretty much fumbled through my life too, just following the path of least resistance in a lot of ways. Of course, I’ve made a lot of decisions along the way, but they’ve always been open ended. I think it might be accurate to say I’ve just made a decision to jump in the various rivers that presented themselves to me and then floated down them to wherever they took me.

Putting quotes on the refrigerator sounds like a good idea. I may try doing that.

Why don’t you share your screenplay on Steemit in installments? You might get some feedback on it while also finding the motivation to finish it. It sounds like you have a good idea developing.

My “screenplay” is more an idea and some characters at this point. Looking at Google Drive this morning, it looks like it was last modified in Feb 2015.

That’s a while ago, isn’t it? There are a few film makers on here, maybe you could write here and bring it to life. How cool would that be?

I’ll give it some thought. Thanks for the encouragement.

Any time😁