in #self-curation9 years ago (edited)

A decision has been made to begin self-curating my own content

This involves removing from the front-end only through an edit any of my own content that is not deemed to have objective value by the curators as a whole.

Using curators evaluation on the subjective value of each of my posts. If that specific post has no value to the platform then it should not be on the platform.

Moving forward any of my own content which curators through a consensus do not find valuable to the platform will be removed before write access is lost.

I encourage any authors to self-curate their own content.



I believe self-curation will serve both the author and the platform.

  • Curators will get to decide which posts they want to keep and only that content will be available on the website.

  • The more users who self-curate the less content to wade through finding the useful posts.

  • Curators want a specific piece of content to remain on the platform they will be incentivized to ensure authors are rewarded appropriately.


I do see where you are coming from, but again, I like to always try and make an argument for both sides.To take the other side here. Isn't this essentially deleting your history while you have the chance? I would agree, if it didn't impact more than just a post. Just playing devils advocate here. I do remember once @piedpiper being upset his less successful posts had been removed from his history. He explained it was a great tool to show people his struggle to get a reader base and develop his communication skills. I would think a post of lower quality is buried in obscurity fairly quickly and really because of that doesn't change the clutter at all..... It just has a lot of posts showing DELETED as both header and content. I would find that far more disturbing to wade through when I try looking for the gems overlooked.

Hmm... This is something unexpectedly brilliant. The users revolt in unpredicted ways about what they perceive as a curation problem. This is very very interesting.

Thanks for reading it. My thoughts were that Authors have Power to affect the platform and they can and should use it. Users can help to make the content matter.

  • There will be a balance of power between creators and curators.
  • We are the creators, we have edit/write access and the authority to do this.
  • The curation process must face market pressures and competition to evolve

Authors who think their content is worth more to the platform than the curators have valued it at should delete the content. If curators fail to reward a good post remove it. If the post was bad Nobody will care it is gone. If it was good then that will incentivise better curation to prevent loss of valuable content.

I personally think this is a mistake; for instance, I just came across you and missed your introductory post 6 days ago.

I was just browsing through your articles, was about to read one, with a view to upvoting and sharing to try and get you more hits.

Then I saw this, and your deleted posts; so I have no idea whether they were of value or not; quite a few people are discovering that when they finally get noticed; a lot of their old posts get voted up, giving them a 4 week payout. @opheliafu is one example, she posted 27 times for a grand total of $0.12.

Then she hit the jackpot with a $1200 post, I am sure that a lot of that money came from Whale voters who looked at her history and realised that she needed to be rewarded.

I also put @opheliafu in one of my posts on how to create your own luck, which seems to have boosted her popularity a bit as well.

The point is, not of that would have happened for her, if when you went to her blog you just saw a bunch of "deleted posts".

The reason I'm taking the time to tell you all of this, is because I have read your intro, I believe you can bring value to the system and I'd love to see you succeed on here. So please, regardless of reward, leave your posts up, it's not a case of people don't value you, they just haven't spotted you yet, make sure that when they do, they get a good impression of you. :-)

Please take this in the spirit it is being given, there are diligent curators out there (I try, but there are others better than me) who are scouring the platform for good contributors, things are changing, sit tight and good things will come.


@cryptogee Your comment brings up some fair points.I take all constructive criticism seriously and It is obvious you are responding with a genuine interest. Your fresh take gives me pause for thought and a different perspective to consider.

Then I saw this, and your deleted posts; so I have no idea whether they were of value or not;

Please understand my intentions with self-curation were/are

  1. To incentivise better curation by causing loss of content not properly curated.
  2. To protect content creators from providing content for zero or inequitable compensation.
  3. Removing content when the platform through curation objectively values it at nil.
  4. Curation still needs optimized on a systematic level and we are in BETA.
  5. By creating economic incentive for curators not to lose quality content they are forced to adapt or lose share to competitors.
  6. I want to make curation matter, if they have something to lose it matters.

I will take your suggestions to heart regarding. not removing content even if the platform objectively deems it without value. Let me sleep on it.

@cryptogee I will try things your way for two weeks though the 1st of September.

Lets see how it goes. :)


You should be awarded "game theory of the year" award. Seriously.

Btw, this warning would be more effective inside EACH post, like "If this post is not considered of value by the curators, it will be removed" - or something to that effect.

Check this out - you're more than welcome to help with it as well..

The Daily Downvote

Content with ultra-low value seems to be a problem.

Not to criticize what you are planning, I just think you might run into practical problems. In my experience the write access is lost pretty fast (too fast). It is partly a feature of the blockchain-based design, but I think it could be solved by having some kind of version system to the posts. Like maybe you could flag your posts with "I don't want this to be shown in". People could still search for it in the blockchain (and so upholding immutability and reputation history etc) but people could have more power over their own posts. Maybe some day :)

Thus far write access for the front-end display has remained until 1st payment is processed. I believe self-curation will serve both the author and the platform. Curators will get to decide which posts they want to keep and content which is not of value to the platform will not be missed. The more users who self-curate the less content to wade through finding the valuable ones. Additionally if curators want a specific piece of content to remain on the platform they will be incentivized to ensure authors are rewarded appropriately.

hi I would like nothing more than to remove some of my earlier articles here !! Thing is how do i go about it ??

It is all permanently stored on the blockchain even if you edit it you are just changing the view of the post. So removing posts earlier which have paid out is not possible. You can remove it from the website before it pays out but that is all the power you have. Use it wisely my friend.

This sound very awesome , hopefully they can be review by the devs team.

I welcome the opinions of the community as well as the development team in this matter. My main objective is to start the discussion. I think everyone agrees curation could use some improvement. This is just a small step in the right direction.

If no one votes or comments on a post and you want to delete it o see no problem.

However, every post I have seen in Steemit gets some votes or comments. Deleting them is akin to "a slap in the face" for those that took the time to vote or comments.