Project how to establish a poultry farm

in #selection7 years ago

Attention to the process of establishing the farm is an inevitable necessity, since the error in its establishment can not be remedied without having to bear the costs are expensive, in addition to the inability to convert the establishment to achieve a goal other than the purpose for which it was established or modified. Therefore, we must first identify the studies to be learned in this regard and the subsequent problems that may be addressed in the future.

- Studies to be known:

1- Capital invested in construction:

It is an important element in the process of establishing the farm, as it determines the type and size of the farm and is necessary to provide cash for construction, operation and production. These include:

- The value of fixed costs of buildings, land value ,,,, and others.

- Value of "variable" variable costs - tools - feed.

- Value of services include health work.

- Operating value includes workers' wages - transport - marketing.

- Storage value includes: Stocks in stock of feed.

- Finally, the value of the general reserve is usually 10% of the actual expenses to meet emergency conditions, disasters and accidents.

2. Determination of the farm action plan:

Which is the purpose of the establishment of the farm and any types of production that the breeder intends to produce, the farmer may consider making them specialized in one type of breeding and production different or may include more than one type and by this goal begins to develop the farmer plan to test any type of systems Housing is suitable for the purpose of production and then study the costs necessary to complete the construction process and provide the required inputs and methods of obtaining the good ones at the right price, followed by a study of the work pattern of the farm and its manner and types and numbers of birds and the way to obtain them from reliable sources, Then study the implementation period, management system, supervision and financing and marketing programs.

3. Potential for future expansion:

The farmer must bear in mind that the farm will accept continuous growth as a result of achieving market desires with the need to satisfy more desires as a result of the success of the project, especially when producing high quality products known to the farm in the market space at the start of production. After covering the unit costs and profit, and provided that the provision of sufficient space for expansion operations in addition to work to provide the means for construction and processing in case of thinking of expansion, depending on the land area and value, in the sense of the value of land is called The first unit of the bar construction represented in the first round. The expansion of the vertical side is on the same area, on the other hand, in the case of the low ground on which the project is located, where the horizontal expansion is imposed and so in all cases for tools, labor, etc., etc.

4 - Study of building materials available in the region:

Or in nearby areas and do a comparative study of the prices of these materials and recipes of these materials that will be used in the construction.

5. Environmental and climatic conditions of the area on which the farm will be established.

6 - Type of employment and expertise available in the region:

And this depends on the selection of materials, equipment and equipment needed in the production process, and this is the last factor to be taken into account first, and to pay particular attention to the establishment of projects for poultry, especially in developing countries, which rely on the import of modern technology from developed countries without Provide such countries with the expertise to use and maintain such equipment and devices with existing efficiency, which ultimately leads to the failure of these projects to achieve the productive objectives for which they have been established, thus not achieving expected profits.

After that, we must know that the poultry farm is the area of ​​the land is small or large allocated for poultry, or the establishment of one or more poultry industries, and in this framework there are two types of farms:

Spccialized farms are usually specialized in the production of a particular type of poultry or a particular industry of poultry production. Another type is mixed farm, a farm whose production is of more than one type or has more than one industry, for example, for raising broiler chickens Whiteness or dual purpose ,,,, and so on.

- Characteristics of poultry farms:

The characteristics of poultry farms should be given to the breeder, farmer and official in the field of poultry know-how and full knowledge of this field, including the small unit price on the farm, as the price of chicken in the project is few, and capital in this area is limited, and the most important characteristics that distinguish Poultry from the rest of the other types of farms speed of the capital cycle as well as the accuracy of business and excellence as well as the lack of facilities and complexity, as they do not need trained labor, as well as the continuity of work in poultry farms, as work in this direction does not stop but continue throughout the year As well as the efficiency of food finance You are usually the products are fast corruption, damage and the rapid spread of epidemic diseases among chickens.

- Factors affecting the establishment of farms:

1- Site Selection:

When choosing a site, consider the following:

The site shall be close to the marketing or large cities to facilitate the arrival of production in suitable conditions and shorten the time.

B - be away from other farms with a distance of not less than 1/2 (half a kilo), as well as places of swimming and rivers and others.

C - preferably to be close to the main roads so there is no cost in the process of paving roads and delayed arrival of the product.

(D) The site must have clean water, electricity and telephone sources to reduce the cost of these duties, as well as workers' accommodation within the farm. As well as not