in #segregation7 years ago (edited)

These days everyone wants to talk about whose lives matter more. Black lives all lives it doesn't really matter. Yes the african americans were treated wrong in the past but that was in the past and you cant live there you can only learn from it. Here today in the present african american entrepreneurs have many opportunities and more help from government agencies than caucasian people do. Entrepreneurs can get grants and all sorts of funding that there white counterparts cant. Cops don't discriminate against race as much as they do social classes. They target poor uneducated people. White black mexican it don't matter. If they can get you into court and get you to sign your name to prison sentences then they did there job. Prisons are privately owned and turn profits on people in them its the modern slave trade and its treats all ethnic groups the same. Thats why im starting. #NOLIVESMATTER these days no live is more important than another. There were a lot of mistakes made in the past but again were not living in the past. Were in the present trying to build a better tomorrow and if we learned anything from our past, it should be that to say one ethnicity is superior or more important than another then that creates segregation and racial tension. If you don't learn from history your bound to repeat it. We've been down this road once lets not do it again. Love who you are, love your neighbor, love everybody. Love them for there differences cause without differences we would be boring and monotone. #NOLIVESMATTERS more than another #NOLIVESMATTERS in police shootings no lives lost is better than any. Lets stop segregating ourselves and unite.