
I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"
-Evelyn Beatrice Hall

Though I agree with that point of view, I'm just curious if you really want to misuse this right.

Misuse comes from the assumption that upon revising history we won't find anything new or different, truth. FYI, I never denied the holocaust, this was simply used to get me to stop questioning another series of events.

The person was getting very violent over the fact that I was questioning what we were told on the news about something that happened last year, so I asked them whether they wanted revision laws created similar to the ones created around the holocaust for this event too.

Then someone else I wasn't even speaking with but saw the public conversation, rushed to my fb wall to tell me just how perverse I am. Then when faced with my reply simply deleted all comments. So glad there's no deleting on Steemit!

And to be quite honest I don't understand why anyone would be against researching the holocaust. If it really happened the way it's presented to us, if so many people died as we are shown in the movies, then I would think everyone, specially Jews, would want every single bit of history checked a zillion times so we can know the exact cause of this and prevent it from happening again.

Not against research, but against denying.

So you're not against research but the results?
Would you consider if we find out it was 5 million Jews instead of 6 that it would be equal to denying the holocaust? How about 7 instead of 6?

Not against results. I simply got triggered when you said about denying.
Saying "there was no holocaust" would be denying and sadly there are people dumb enough to say that.

Well, just so you know, it's customary to call holocaust denier to everyone that questions any "facts" about the holocaust. It's not about denying Jews died or anything like that, if you say it was 5 instead of 6 or 7 instead of 6 then you are considered a holocaust denier and can end up getting in trouble with "the authorities."

That's what triggers me because the dead are dead. It's the living we should worry about, the living that have to endure the humiliation of being told what to think and what is fact, and if you question these things you can end up with a fine, behind bars, maybe worse...

I'd like to see more people getting triggered over censorship, questioning why some deem it necessary.