Don’t Make Yourself A Target!

in #security9 years ago

Don’t Make Yourself A Target! 

As we always hear that safety is everyone's responsibility and only individual know what he/she can do better than others. Although your safety and well-being are basically a top priority for your local Government but still it’s totally depend on you actions and precautions; whether you’re at the office, a client site, or when moving about. If you are seen with certain tempting possessions or viewed as a business professional who probably has a laptop or other valuable device, you and your possessions, including the information held on your personal and corporate devices, may be targeted. Spend a few minutes now to help prevent trouble later. 

Basic Street Sense · 

Wherever you are – at the office, client site, or moving about on the street – stay alert and aware of your surroundings and those around you; use caution when using a mobile/smart phone or other device.    

While Walking ·

Don’t display large amounts of cash or other tempting targets like expensive jewelry or electronics, including your smart phone; consider carrying your laptop computer in a bag that does not make it obvious to others that you have a laptop inside. · Have to work late? Make sure there are others in the building, and ask someone – a colleague or security officer – to walk you to your car or to the transit stop.    

In Your Car · 

Avoid looking for your car keys as you are walking; have them in your hand as you approach your car. Look inside your vehicle before getting in to make sure nobody is inside. · Never leave a laptop bag on a car seat in plain view. Always lock it in the trunk. · Try to keep the windows up and always lock the car doors when driving; if parked, do the same.   

When traveling by bus or train  ·

Stay alert!  Don’t sleep. Hold your belongings – do not slide them under your seat. · Watch who gets off with you.  If you feel uneasy, walk directly to a place where there are other people and stay there until the other person leaves.  

If someone tries to rob you… · 

Don’t resist. Give up your physical property, don’t give up your life.  · Report the crime to the police as soon as you can.