Ever wanted to use SSH on Windows? There are several tools we can use to do so including Plink/Putty/Bitvise. While these solutions do work, they're a bit less natural than just firing up a terminal and hopping onto another box. Let's use git to offer native SSH functionality to Windows terminals.
Steps for setup:
- Install Chocolatey
- Use Chocolatey to install git:
choco install git -params "/GitAndUnixToolsOnPath"
Quick side note: The passed parameter takes care of local environment variables.
You may need to use the following as well to set the local environment variables:
$new_path = "$env:PATH;C:/Program Files/Git/usr/bin"
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("path", $new_path, "Machine")
Excellent, let's try it out:
Close out your terminal and open a new PowerShell instance. Let's hop into a Kali box with the SSH service running:
Now let's try the inverse, going from a Linux machine to Windows:
SSH Linux to Windows
Hacking and Coffee [https://hackingandcoffee.com]
Matt Wrock's Writeup [http://www.hurryupandwait.io/blog/need-an-ssh-client-on-windows-dont-use-putty-or-cygwinuse-git]
this information is awesome
Haha thank you, @crepzi