VIGILANCE: Key to Personal Security (Part 2)

in #security7 years ago

Welcome to PART 2 of Personal Security tips.

Personal Step for Crime Prevention




  1. External doors should be of solid construction, with peephole, door chain or intercom linked to CCTV
  2. External door should be kept locked at all times.
  3. Keys to external doors should only be given to authorised personnel.
  4. If a key is lost, the lock should be changed


  1. Windows should be connected to an intruder alarm
  2. Curtains and blind should be fitted to windows and kept drawn during the hours of darkness

**Security lights

  1. Security light should be fitted to cover all approaches to the residence.
  2. Perimeter fences should be of solid construction and regularly checked and maintained.
  3. Shrubs and trees adjacent to the outside of the perimeter fence, and other object such as ladders should be cleared to prevent providing assistance for an intruder to scale the fence.



  1. Invest in training or hiring a well qualified security guard.
  2. Ensure your security guard has been vetted by a reputable security company.
  3. Instruct them on how to respond in case of an emergency.
  4. Instruct security guards on how to receive visitors:
    -- unexpected callers should not be allowed to enter the residence
    -- when the person arrives, the security guard must positively check their identity against an ID Card.
    -- All visitors especially artisans must be escorted at all times while they are on the premises.



  1. New member of staff must be thoroughly vetted
  2. Take care about the subject of conversation held in front of staff members.
  3. Regularly brief domestic staff on the procedure for access control, telephone answering.
  4. Instruct your domestic staff to report suspicious behavior or approaches by stranger.
  5. In the event of a member of the domestic staff being dismissed, change all external door locks.



  1. Children should be carefully briefed about:
    -- not divulging information about themselves or the family on Social media.
    -- Report suspicious behavior or approaches by strangers.
    -- how and when to call for assistance.
  2. When in public places, children should be supervised and watched over by a known, responsible adult.
  3. If you see any stranger loitering suspiciously around the area, inform the police or Security Company emergency response unit immediately.
  4. Establish good relations with neighbors, this will help with exchange of information about any suspicious behavior in the area and keep a watch over your residence when you are away.



  1. It is advisable to have the following emergency kits in your residence:

-- torches and spare batteries
-- first aid pack
-- fire alarm extinguishers
-- a panic button connected to an audible alarm
-- a list of emergency telephone numbers



  1. Criminals will select target that are or appears to be wealthy
  2. Avoid wearing expensive jewelry while driving.
  3. Vary timing and route used frequently
  4. Be extra alert around routes and timing that you cannot vary.
  5. Ensure anti-tamper car alarm are installed in your vehicle.
  6. Always have a mobile phone, first aid kit, fire extinguisher band torch in the car.

××× Part3 Security tips will be available later.
BE VIGILANT! Look at for Part 3


Interesting read. In the world we live in today, one can't afford to not be security conscious.

Do follow back, and check out my posts though.

A timely reminder