Privacy and Security of IoT and how RUFF OS deals with it.

in #security7 years ago

The internet of things (IoT) is going to transform our world in ways we don't expect. A study predict that by 2020 IoT will rise to over 5.4 billion devices. Whilst such connected devices and services offer economic benefits, they do increase security risks. The key risks that such devices represent are to confidentiality and privacy.  

Here is a scenario of how deadly an attack can be to an IoT device. Imagine a smart home equipped with the state of the art IoT software and hardware now let say an attacker creates a backdoor after penetrating the home operating system, this attacker can in essence control every IoT device in the house, he can watch and record the occupant activity via connected CCTV or create deliberate accident or even use the home IP to carry out a criminal activity the list goes on.  

Privacy is regarded as a major concern in the IoT. IoT has created enormous quantity of data, belonging not only to consumers but also organizations. This can be used to discern information such as what we are interested in, where we go, and our intentions. Even though this can provide great opportunities for improved services, it must be weighed against our desire for privacy. It is crucial that consumers trust the services they engage with to respect their privacy. Trust is a paramount in the process of forming any relationship, and is a vital factor in the adoption of new technology. Most people will not want to use new technology if they don’t have sufficient trust in the safeguarding of privacy, security, and safety and this is particularly true in systems such as the IoT.  

Ruff's local ad hoc network is also decentralized. In a local application network, once the main application node fails, the application logic will pass to another node and continue for completion, thereby ensuring the consistency of the local application network.

The security of IoT is guaranteed by the Ruff OS.It uses a symmetric key, and the key is not transmitted over the network and also, the chain network releases a one-time token based on the timestamp to the application network, which therefore resists replay attacks. 

Given that the security and privacy of IoT is important, Ruffchain is putting every measures to ensure it achieves this goal.  

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