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RE: Steemit's First TREZOR! Paid For With Steem Dollars!!

in #security8 years ago

we will join the TREZOR hackathon in late September in prague :) Stay tuned…


What sorts of things are planned for the hackathon?

It seems like there is support for more cryptos than there are wallets capable of working with TREZOR. That seems like an area that could use some attention.

Hack security and online privacy with La Crème de la crème of Bitcoin Cryptography and the new TREZOR wallet.

Hack security and online privacy with La Crème de la crème of Bitcoin Cryptography and the new TREZOR wallet.
Put your hands on the prototypes of TREZOR 2.0 and its entirely new software stack.
For 50 hours straight, dive into new realms of online security and privacy. You will be guided and mentored by four of the most renowned security hackers and crypto experts - Andreas M. Antonopoulos, Johoe, Slush and Stick. Put your hands on the prototypes of TREZOR 2.0 and its entirely new software stack.
For 50 hours straight, dive into new realms of online security and privacy. You will be guided and mentored by four of the most renowned security hackers and crypto experts - Andreas M. Antonopoulos, Johoe, Slush and Stick.

Link to source!

We're hoping to get STEEM on trezor, at least this is intention

BTW i was creating some TREZOR custom start screens :P if u want to make use of , go ahead

STEEM on TREZOR would be cool!