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RE: Even Paranoid People Have Enemies, Or The Scary Story of How My Cell Phone Number Was Just Stolen by a Hacker Who Demanded a Bitcoin Ransom, How I Got It Back, and How To Protect Yourself!

in #security8 years ago

I can't believe you didn't jump on to 10 BTC deal! What a bargain. It's crazy that can/did happen. It really makes you feel uneasy. I had a situation recently where someone that I did not know contacted me via Facebook Messenger. Without going into too much detail, they thought I was someone that they made a "purchase" from and they were unhappy with the "item" they purchased. An offer was made to rectify the situation if I chose and a threat was made if I chose not. The police were contacted and everything was handled but it was a creepy feeling. My Facebook profile is set to private so I don't know how he was able to message me in the first place and I also learned that it is very easy to do a quick search online and find someone's address. That part really freaked me out. It all worked out for us and I'm glad it worked out for you as well.