
Long ago (before M$ Edge) I was a happy Firefox user who has discovered that it was better than Internet Explorer and that it had far superior web development tools. 🦊
I was one who resisted Chrome until the very end but started using it because of the special way that Chrome handles ports that it was preferred to use in some scenarios.🔍
I believe everyone who works at Microsoft used to have Firefox installed as an 'alternative browser' at some point but then I discovered something important:
Try logging on to MSN with Chrome or GMail with Internet Explorer?! There is a huge level of browser performance difference that can be observed using Microsoft & Google browsers logging in to their respective services with each others browsers.😃
So I'm suggesting that you need the best tool for the job - if you're consuming google services use Chrome, if your using Microsoft stuff stick with Edge and for me when I'm doing web development I use Firefox because if their superior web development tooling.
Each browser does have its particular strengths (chrome with ports, Firefoxwith cross-browser testing and Edge with some security features) but for me, being an infosec dude likes to use Tor on my Ubuntu 17.10 Server for best web browsing results.
Super interesting post thanks @cryptonik with excellent tips and article.

Yay! I feel Chrome has the superior web dev tools (for work)...but I do try resisting it :P

Chrome is the most sophisticated piece of Spyware Google ever came up with. It is the very definition of garbage and I would never ever use it.

Well, I admit I have 0 knowledge about, but I find it lighter than firefox, which I always used. I've never considered these aspects though, maybe I should read sth more about and restart using it.

Yep. Also it is definetely not lighter that Firefox. Just compare the RAM stats in the Task manager. Chrome is a real RAM killer ;)

That's true, in these days I'll try out again firefox...laziness, go away!!! =)