
never heard of brave; do you recommend checking it out?

To Late: i like the look of this; block tracekr cookies and pixels; inbuilt ad block

I used to use aviator a few years back before it lost support; it implemented really good features right out of the box; like iframe redirections to internal ip addresses, tracker pixels, cache deleted after every termination, ad blocks etc. brave seems similar. i will have to look into it some more

yes. it's beta BUT: many privacy options, based on chromium. "fair ads" with bitcoin integration soonish

installed on my phone; will give it a test run :) cheers

I just started using it an hour ago. Soooo clean and uncluttered. Steemit works fine so far. I think I may have a new daily driver. With Windows Anniversary upgrade due Aug 2, I should be able to browse with a dark theme using Brave. Crossing fingers.