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RE: Secrets of Organ Playing Contest Week 99

Great that you rejoin the contest!
I played this Fugue recently as well, including the Prelude. The Prelude is actually my favorite of the eight (together with the first one). Musical taste is a very personal matter :-)
And I play the fugue with 8', 4', 2'. Your registration works great as well. For me that's the beauty of organ music: so many possibilities for phrasing, articulation and registration in just one piece of music...


Hello! It's good to hear from you :)
I enjoyed your recording very much - I recall listening to it in the summer. The way you phrase is a very distant goal for me ;) And yes, the variety of possibilities to interpret the same piece of organ music is something that keeps amazing me all the time!

I'm flattered you see my phrasing/articulation as a goal. I often think it is still sub-optimal at best.
In regard to your question of improving technique: when I practised this piece, it was a nice study in how to play syncopations on the organ. A syncope should have a bit of an accent, so I play the preceding note a little shorter. In the first entry of the theme there are three in a row; in the video you see me frantically counting to get them right. In the rest of the piece I don't maintain 100% this way of playing them. Like I said, suboptimal... 😀