Secrets of Organ Playing Contest Week 69

Countdown terminated on Apr 27, 2020, 11:00 AM


Have you ever wanted to start to practice on the organ but found yourself sidetracked after a few days? Apparently your inner motivation wasn't enough.

I know how you feel. I also was stuck many times. What helped me was to find some external motivation as well.

In order for you to advance your organ playing skills and help you motivate to practice, my wife Ausra - @laputis and I invite you to join in a contest to submit your organ music and win some Hive.

Are you an experienced organist? You can participate easily. Are you a beginner? No problem. This contest is open to every organ music loving Hivian.


  1. It's sort of open mic contest for organ music - no limitation to length, level of difficulty, genre etc.
  2. It can be any organ piece, any hymn, any improvisation or any organ exercise.
    It has to be performed by you without editing.
  3. Be sure to clearly state Secrets of Organ Playing Contest, the contest week number, your Hive user name, and the random contest entry word of the week. This week's password is "Crippled Pinky".
  4. Upload your entry to YouTube.
  5. Make a post about your entry on Hive (use to post).
  6. Performance on pipe and electronic organs are valid.
  7. Performance on synthesizers is PERMITTED as long as you play real organ music.
  8. Use #secretsoforganplaying as your first tag. Optional: use #palnet, #neoxian, #creativecoin, #marlians, #tunes and #sonicgroove tags to earn additional tokens as well.
  9. Upvote and reblog this post on Hive.
  10. Comment this post on Hive with link to your entry and video so people can see and listen to it.
  11. The contest is open until next Monday 12:00 PM UTC.


Every participating entry will receive a portion of our upvotes (we apologise that we can no longer give 100 percent upvotes with so many participants in our contests). Additionally, the winners will share 20 HIVE prize fund.


This week anybody can pick the winners based on what sounded the most interesting and best performed to you. Next Monday simply write your comment under this post with your 3 winning choices. Participants CAN vote for themselves too. I will calculate who received the most number of votes and announce in separate post.

Our goal here is to support the community while motivating you to practice, inspiring to create some amazing music and adding more smiles to everyone's day.

Questions, comments, ideas? Please let us know your feedback about this contest.

Support our fellow contestants - upvote, reblog and comment their entry to let them know specifically what did you appreciate about their music.

Also stay tuned for the post about winners from last week!

​We hope to see even more entries next week!

And remember, when you practice, miracles happen!

You can support me on Patreon:

Countdown terminated on Apr 27, 2020, 11:00 AM


I had to look up 'meticulous'. Means something like, precise, contentious, meticulate. Actually, that is the aspect where I am not satisfied myself: to irregular in timing, tempo and articulation. That is why this is such a difficult piece. To 'meticulously' control all those aspects takes a lot of hard practise work...

I'm new to the scene. It appears that I need to repost my original message here.

This is my entry in Week 69 of the contest.

Excellent .... I will enter something. I have jazz organ on my piano.

Thank you! Just so you know, you have to play real organ music for this contest... Can you do it?

I only have an electric piano that has jazz organ selection. So I guess not a real organ.

What about Dmitri Shostakovich Waltz 2?

I think there is a Hive open mic contest that is open to all instruments.

Thanks James. I'm still wrestling with this nightmarish website. I'll get the hang of it soon.

My picks for this week. It's great to have two new contestants, so I'd like to encourage them

@andrewgrahame (trio playing, my favorite!) @principal (great go at the prelude. Next week the fugue?) @contrabourdon (beautiful dreamy piece, nice rumbling bass)

Voting is over. We will announce the winners soon.

Such a pity I missed the voting! I have a question though: do you have an idea, why the comments by @michaelcalabris started to appear as blank spaces? Is it just me or do you have the same problem?

He decided to withdraw from the contest. You can of course vote next week. Sometime on Monday before our votes (@organduo and @laputis). We usually vote last and start counting the vote count to announce the winners.