SOOP Contest Entry Week 132

Hope you enjoy the performance!Hello, this is borg 123. This week, I played Préambule by Louis Vierne. I chose this piece for two reasons. One is that I'm learning all of the 24 Piéces en style libre and the second is that the name is symbolic since it's a personal preamble in my organ playing experience. As you might have noticed, I have an organ stand and two nektar manuals mounted on it. I received the stand from Vidas @organduo and I am so grateful to him for it. The manuals I have ordered myself. I hope to record as much as possible on this stand since it's a huge step of owning a fully functional organ at home. However, I will be away from home for a month or so, therefore my further recordings will be made using only one nektar manual.

Link to video:


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Congratulations on completing your Jaspers stand and Nektar keyboard setup! I love how it looks and I wish you good luck in recording all 24 pieces by Vierne. It could be done on 1 manual since they are written either for organ with two manuals and pedals for harmonium without any pedals. And when you complete learning first 12 pieces, you could actually play your first solo recital on YouTube!

Thank You so much! A recital sounds exciting