What is the secret to death?

in #secrets8 years ago

What is the secret to death?


If you consider this article related to soul or spirit, then this is not a hargi. Since all my articles are related to science, I will not do anything that is beyond the scope of science. Rather, I'm going to talk about physical death,

whereas no action is left in human beings. Science does not always have any idea about how death comes to humans.

Even the definition of death is incomplete according to science. According to science, the definition of death is that death is the name of the stoppage of biological processes in a living thing.

But it has been seen that some biological processes in Jism also occur after death. Such as the growth of hair and nails.

Science has not yet picked up the veil from death. Death is identified by the disappearance of certain symptoms of life in Jism that is called Vital Sign.

Including brain or heart work. However, after the heart stopped, it has been seen again. And in the same coma condition, the brain stops working. But even after that many people have been seen alive.

In the condition of coma, a test is done to identify brain death, which is called apneaa test. In this, putting the patient on the ventilator gives full oxygen supply for ten minutes and then Brain Death is identified by measuring the amount of carbon dioxide emitted from the jism.

In some places, brain death is not considered to be a death affair. Rather, heart stops are considered to be dead corrections.

But both of these symptoms are not considered completely accurate. And as the medical science is progressing, the definition of death is becoming more difficult.


interesting, thank you for sharing! :-)

