SECRET WRITER: The Time I Wanted To Kill My Parents

in #secret-writer8 years ago


At first everything was normal as it had been before, but six months of not taking that medicine left me with the feeling I was slowly sinking into that all too familiar state of depression.

I slowly sunk deeper and deeper into the bottomless pit that is depression. Even though I had supportive friends and family, I withdrew until the only people I could be around were my parents and sisters. I couldn’t deal with seeing other people smiling and laughing at jokes and talking about normal everyday things. I felt anything but normal and felt every time I was around people I sucked the joyful atmosphere straight out of the room with my expressionless gaze. I felt worthless as I had lost my job, had no funds to support myself and no idea what my future would hold.

I slowly started weening my way back onto the medicine since it requires small doses until your body can handle the recommended levels prescribed.

That is when I had the scariest, most painful moment in my life.


AS I was spending another sleepless night in bed trying to keep my mind from racing, I had an incredibly painful ache in my head. It was almost as if a voice from within was urging me to end my life right then and there.

That urge turned into something I wish I could forget. In my minds eye, not a dream and at the same time not fully aware came the notion that I needed to kill my parents.

The same parents who would have not taken second thought to sacrifice their own life to save me. I tried to fight with this image in my mind as it became more real to me. I was exhausted and finally hit a point where I was too exhausted and let my mind run wild. I had a vision of myself killing my parents in the next room and not telling anyone why as I strived for notoriety as a murderer.


And then My face remained the same but my body changed to that of Adam Lanza who was responsible for the atrocity in Sandy Hook Elementary School leaving children dead and families in anguish. That was when my mom came in to check how I was sleeping. I started to come out of that lucid hallucination of a dream and started sobbing,
“Mom I can’t do it.”
“Can’t do what honey?” my mom replied.

“I..I.. have to hurt you. I have to kill you.”

I fell apart and started pacing and shaking. My mom slowly led me to their room, the same room where I spent many nights sleeping on the floor while holding my mom’s hand, trying to get comfort through those agonizing nights and sleep deprivation. I collapsed onto the bed and immediately my body began convulsing and I began to speak gibberish, not unlike some scenes in The Exorcist, but this was real life.

This was my life.

Finally my eyes rolled back and I stopped convulsing and my parents decided to take me to an emergency room.

I took a Xanax I had been prescribed for anxiety and immediately began to feel less tense on the way to the hospital. I put my hand to the side of my lip and felt incredible pain.

While I was convulsing my mouth opened so wide that a gash formed on the corner of my mouth.


We arrived at the hospital soon after and I received a thorough examination from one of the workers and was given another Xanax to relax. The doctors conclusion was that I had an anxiety attack, but I still feel it may have been a seizure or the presence of something incredibly evil along with the effects of one of my medicines.

I returned home and immediately fell into a deep sleep. Things gradually became more normal for me as my body adjusted to the correct doses I needed. I slowly began to do more things step by step. First it was crossword puzzles with my Dad, followed by jigsaw puzzles with my family, short walks with my Mom and finally my first smile in months as my beloved dog bestowed upon me one of his many kisses on my cheek.


How did I go from just a little depressed to wanting to kill my parents in an insane split with reality? Here is how the madness crept in, bit by agonizing bit. This is how the build up started that ended with me having the impulse to kill my parents:

I dreaded the morning. Not because I wished I didn’t have to go to work, but because I wished I was dead.

I kept my eyes shut tight, praying that I could sleep forever and end the pain and emptiness I felt coursing throughout my body. Nothing brought me joy whether present or past. No the times spent with my Dad coaching me in baseball giving me the game ball after a game winning hit. Not my dog with his tongue lolling out the side of his mouth and his ever wagging tail begging me for one of our cherished walks together.

Not even niece and nephews as they learned to give tiny hugs and wave goodbye for the first time. It that happiness had been bottled up and tossed out to see and would never return.

All I felt was a complete lack of emotion. No smiles or jokes, no excitement to see family or friends who poured out their love to me. Nothing.


Each minute seemed to drag on for hours and while I was emotionally empty, my mind raced a mile a minute. So fast that I was rendered unable to put together multiple sentencing without needing to lay down from exhaustion. My main interaction with my parents when I did talk to them was only efficient through writing in a notebook and them talking back to me. Concentration on anything over three sentences was out of the question. I could no longer follow the plots of the movies I so enjoyed watching. The thoughts of ending my life came slowly at first but rapidly increased until they dominated the better part of each hour.

Every night as I lay awake in bed I prayed to God that he would take me in my sleep so I wouldn’t have to do it myself and cause the pain a suicide brings to a family.

How did I end up here in this valley? I was diagnosed with bipolar depression, which is linked to certain chemical levels in the brain not being at normal levels. At times I would experience an amazing amount of energy, need very little sleep, and be excited about life in a way that seemed too good to be true. This might sound great at first, but it is short lived. A low follows matching the opposite spectrum of the high, whether days, months, or years later.

Rewind 8 months from today, where I made an extremely foolish decision and stopped taking my medicine. I was prescribed medicine to help keep me from going through those extreme highs and lows. I was tired of taking pills, doctor’s visits, and filling up prescriptions. That is the point where I stepped off the cliff of sanity and became obsessed with the idea of killing my parents.

I wish I could say recovery happened quickly, but it took months. I didn’t feel I could make it through it. The only way I survived was through the support of my family and friends, and my sister who wrote me a card saying she believed in me and saw great potential in my life. This brought me to tears, since at that time I felt a complete failure, and these words really struck me at a time when I desperately needed hope. She saw the true me beyond the disease that I suffer with and loved me regardless. She that I could be successful and use some of my gifts to help others.


Fast forward to today where I smile frequently and crack jokes that make my family laugh with my witty dry humor. I have the opportunity to spend two days a week or more playing with my niece and nephews, who I adore. I want them to be proud of me when they grow up. To be proud of an uncle who made a meaningful impact on their lives.

While recently searching for jobs I stumbled across some bitcoin articles and did a little research. I dabbled in bitcoin before but never mined or bought a significant amount. I saw an alternative coin listed and thought the concept was interesting and signed up for, not really knowing what to expect. I thought since they gave away free power to create content I would see what it was all about and meet some people in the community. I found many friendly, intelligent, and interesting people. I decided to share about myself and a little about my depression for the first time publicly on a social media platform of all places. I didn’t go deep into details, but the community accepted me for who I am and the heart I have to make a difference by helping others in any way I am able.


I’d love to hear your thoughts on how this story affected you, and maybe at least one more person will realize they don’t have to suffer alone or keep a mental illness a secret for fear others will reject them If you have the courage to bare your soul, I’d love to see some others users post as a Secret Writer.
-Secret Writer


The Secret Writer is a service that is designed to help people reveal their secrets in an anonymous way. All secret writer posts are a 50% revenue split. @stellabelle edits and does all the art/photo editing. All you do is provide the secret. If you want to submit your secret for the Secret Writer post, send an email to
The Secret Writer was first created on Medium about 6 months ago. It moved to Steemit about one month ago. Here's the video that explains why I created the Secret Writer profile:


I had never heard of The Secret Writer before. This is a brilliant writing model. You're the #1 Steemit entrepreneur as far as I can tell btw. Also, as the other comments allude to, nice work with the pictures, definitely framed the piece well.

thanks. I've been an entrepreneur for like 10 years. Silently slaving away at my insane/artistic visions, but with little economic reward since I lacked a sort of business/aggressive mindset. I failed at like 4 businesses. After 3 months, my mind would get excited by a new idea and I'd abandon the one I was working on. I realize now that my business is ideas. I'm going to start a new publication called, "Steal These Ideas" where anyone can use the ideas to form their own businesses on Steemit. I have too many to do.......I can't possibly do them all, but others could use these ideas...
I dislike self-promotion and "gaming the system." I've felt more comfortable in a community setting where sharing is the main vehicle for expression. I was a writer at a young age, and as a child I wrote to over 20 penpals from around the world. I wrote to prisoners too. I had to stop writing to prisoners though since they were scaring me too much. Writing and sharing has been my life ever since a young age. As a child, I would find a hand-written letter waiting for me almost every day. I wrote nearly one letter per day as well. At one point I was writing to an entire Italian family. It started with the daughter, but then the brother and mother and father began writing to me too. I loved getting those letters and I miss that kind of activity.


agree. very nice post wich include everything we like.

thanks. And no one got killed, either.

The images you used here are stunning! You're taking it to the next level @stellabelle !

I'm an artist and have been creating art and photography for the last 20 years. I never had a proper outlet. These are actually part of the Creative Commons library I'm building on STEEM IMG. I'm waiting for the big reveal once I have uploaded nearly my entire original art and photo library. Unlike most artists, I'm not that attached to my art since I view making art as just an exercise, not an end goal. There are only a handfull of photos/art that I am attached to. The rest can live in the commons. That's the world I'd like to live in.

Once again thanks for sharing.. It's good to see you back!

If you get a chance will you check out a post I made @stellabelle and let me know what you think please?

ok. i only speak the truth though

Once again thanks for your quick response and as you requested here are posts with a little more ME in it ;D

And some from my other social media sites :D

what I meant is for you to add more depth to your article. Some backstory to make it longer, more engaging.

ok thanks.

This is a god-send. Thank you so so much!

@stellabelle Unforeseen Creativity! Great Share Again!!!

This kind of posting should encourage others to think how they can best help others with the power of the post. I love this!

That's exactly what steemit is about! Helping others succeed! There are things I could never talk about because I haven't had the experience. Everyone has a unique story and struggles that may help someone else get through there own. If only one person sees a post and gets hope at a time when they could have given up, then to me all the upvotes in the world wouldn't matter. I'd rather change a life than the amount of money in my bank account. And that's not sentimental BS to garner votes. Anyone can contact me via email if they need support, because everything is viewable on the blockchain so until secure messaging exists, E-mail should do the job. I can truly say I am the happiest I've been in my life. Who would have thought social media could make a change for good amidst the many other hateful malicious comments that are the norm on so many others. I may not speak for everyone, but for for me giving someone something intangible at the time they most need it is one of the most incredible experiences.

exactly. I've always had a strong desire to help others since I came out of my long depression.
I've suffered a lot from isolation, fear and also from being too open/naive/vulnerable. I know that a lot of people are suffering in silence. I want to use my artistic vision to help others who don't know how to craft a story in a way that people will read. I've given a considerable amount of money to people already on this platform and it feels really good. It feels good in the same way that the founders created a place for me to be independent. This place was founded on the principles of non-violence and cooperation. Most people don't know what this means. It simply is a place where you can share your talents, lift up others and return the rewards. It is not enough anymore to just take the rewards for yourself alone. Sharing the rewards is so much better and quite frankly, I've never felt so happy as when I get to transfer half the rewards to the person who is suffering. Others helped me write my book when I was really nervous and lacked the ability to express my thoughts. I am returning that favor by helping others. This can be viewed as a way for those who are just starting to write about themselves. After they see how their story touched others, they will gain confidence on this platform, and begin to write under their own name. It's a confidence booster and a way for people to make some income quickly. It's a way for my efforts to be rewarded also, as keeping the secrets is a job, too. I'm exposed to a lot of raw pain, and I check up on some of the posters to make sure they are ok. It's like a therapist's job. It is sad I feel how many people are disconnected, and in pain. But i do understand it. I have had many issues with feeling down.

If you want to be somebody, somebody really special, be yourself! Thank you

In the sea of self-involved spam on Steemit, I encourage everyone to think of their energies as a vital element. If you can provide some kind of service that helps others/entertains others/adds value to something other than your own ego, well then, that is something we all would like to see. The amount of spam and half-assed posts is kind of getting ridiculous. I know people can do better.....

Agree completely. I have been browsing the new section so often, and try to post my comments as original as possible, but most seem to be bots spamming comments that they could use a copy of it on any thread. Its so lame and I hope bots don't get rewarded with votes than from original comments.

Great "secret writer" again, can't wait for the next ones! :)

me too. i'm addicted to people's secrets.

Hopefully my e-mail to you can help start buck the trend if you come on board :)

I got a new encrypted email service to handle submissions. Send secrets to

Steemit's #Dolphin Strikes Again!

ha ha! you're very sweet.

You are very welcome. You're an inspiration for most of us :)

You have an amazing imagination @stellabelle

I guess you may be referring to the photos......thanks if that is the case.
I did not write this. The secret writer did.

Steemit Quotes Of The Day – Sometimes life is tough. 諦めない

Very touching story. I almost can't believe it but i guess life is hard.

anata wa nihongo o hanasu desu ka?

It hurts a lot reading ur post. My best friend took the shortcut and ended her life. Anyway, nice post. Keep Steeming!

i'm sorry to hear that.

Wow wonderful story. I see this hitting the top charts in Hollywood! Producers and directors make this vision come to life!

ha ha!

As a crowd forms outside of stellablles famed, exclusive, hotel suite...Doing an interview with CNN. She looks out onto the thousands chanting her name. Stellabelle! stellabelle! The interviewer asked "So Is there a movie In the works?" Stellabelle looks In his eyes with a sinister grin. Pauses for a brief moment as to gather her deep thoughts...Takes an deep breathe of reflection and says......

Only if I'm directing.

lol!!! I'm not going to put anything past you my lady! Fantastic:)

Wow. Did @steemit-life just predict @stellabelle 's future? ;) Enjoyed this , Leah... I'm glad its turning out great for the writer.

ha ha!

I become a fan of your post.

Well, as I mentioned, this writing is not mine. It belongs to the secret writer. I just edit and put my art/photos to help tell the story. Editor/artist is what I'm doing in this role.

I know and that's why i'm saying, you put life inside the story by your creative side.

it's what i do naturally. i've been doing it for years.

This writing kinda scares the crap out of me how good of a writer you are.

As I have mentioned many times before, I did not write this. An anonymous user did.

Wow I'm in shock! Nothing more to add... good editing! I wish to have a mentor like you coz I will have so much to learn!

give me your secret. you will learn.

Ehehehe I don't have secret .. that is my problem! Too honest that i cant have secrets

actually I have one... I am playing pokemon go with my girlfriend but I am keeping it as a secret coz I am 31yrs old :P
does it count as secret @stellabelle ?

hmmm....maybe not. Doesn't sound like it's torturing you.

ooooooooook then :)
a part this can I ask where your name is originally from??? Seems to be Italian ( Stella in italian means Star and Bella mean nice/beautiful) so I suppose some of your relatives was italian.

Wow crazy story! And you are an awesome editor! Any advice on improving writing skills?

just tell the truth. Very few people are able to do this. Get rid of extra words, be gut-wrenching honest, then people generally will listen.

Yes! A consistent theme for those who continue to get success posting content about themselves, is that they don't hide behind the mask so many people put on each day. Being honest about your struggles instead of hiding them makes people realize that everyone has flaws and it takes a lot of balls to be vulnerable on a public platform. There is no "Accept friend requent." everyone is able to see your posts, so your reputation will travel with you. Facebook and instagram can actually lead to further depression in some because they see everyone else is posting selfies with friends or taking vacations. Nobody want to posts what's really happening in their life because we are afraid. Hopefully as steemit continues to grow and accept new users, it can be an outlet for raw emotion as well as triumph over difficulty. The draw to steemit is money, but the community and friends i have made here are more valuable to me.

@stellabelle I think its a great service you are providing. You are a great writer and make it easy to read. Thank you for your posts!

@stellabelle i started following you. I dont think we can still follow posts though. I wrote the following blog about it

Such a disturbing story. I wonder at what age this occurred and if the parents had guns at home that would have made it easier.

well, disturbing yes, indeed. But the news never shows us how a loving family can actually save disaster from happening. He only thought he wanted to kill them. He shows us how you can have these impulses, but then be brought back to reality, and not do the horrible deed. These stories, I think, can have an effect on people who are unstable, reminding them that there is a better place ahead of them that they cannot see.

Keep it up!

ha ha! I love mr. norton

fascinating, very very interesting concept!

now that's scary

Damn, I thought the government was going to kill me when I went to Area 51.

I like these secret-writer series of posts.