SECRET WRITER: My Brother's Heroin Addiction Destroyed Our Family

in #secret-writer9 years ago (edited)


My family has a lot of pride, not in the family life itself – but to each their own selfish way. One in which never allows us to lower our guard or drop the ego. It is a constant battle for survival. I don't know exactly when it started, but is has transgressed into an unstoppable force. And I seriously believe I am the only sane one of the bunch.

I know you're supposed to love your family members and have a high form of camaraderie towards each other – but the truth is, we never did. Maybe when I was 5 and my sister fought off the neighborhood bully - but even then it was because my older brother just stood there while I literally hung off a cliff.

That's one of the only times I can honestly think of that we stuck up for one another.

And this is also coming from someone who is a twin. You hear all kinds of twin stories of how they're best friends and are inseparable. Not us though – growing up consisted of daily battles. We were forced to fight as well, even when we didn't want to. Our older brother would often get us together when his friends were over and push us together until we fought, many times even handing us boxing gloves and make us go at it. Looking back though I don't blame my parents, even thought they got divorced and all that fun stuff. I put the blame solely on one person - the older brother.

I ended up living with him for several years, a couple of those years he was a heroin addict.


I can recall my “stuff” just disappearing around those times and it never made sense to me until years later. Electronics would disappear and basically anything that I hadn't used for a while would vanish. I remember one day I went to play with my paintball gun and the entire bag of guns and parts just mysteriously walked away. Even video games I got for Christmas were gone by Valentines day.

When I was a senior high school, I ran into my uncle one day during my last class of the day. He was guest speaking for a club event after school and was to be held in the classroom I was at. He showed up too early. And he's the type of uncle I only see about 2 or 3 times a year at holidays. So it was very odd that I saw him that day. I also didn't know this would be the last time I would ever see him. And his last words to me I'll never forget.

“I just wanted to let you know – I heard what your brother did to you and that's really f#cked up and he's a real piece of shit.”

He had tears in his eyes. What he was referring to was that he caught word through my dad that I had worked all summer long and was saving my paychecks. I had 1-1/2 months of work in un-cashed checks that my brother stole out of my drawer to buy dope. Within a week after I saw my uncle he was dead from liver failure. He was an addict of his own flavor. Everyone in my family had heard I got to see him before he died but I was never able to tell them what we talked about that day.


A couple years after and I was at the time living with this brother, and his addiction. Meanwhile It's never talked about but he knows I'm aware of his problem. He never would get high in front of me at least - I'll give him that. Well one day in particular I was taking a nap after work. And he had a friend over so they could get high together and play my video games, the ones he liked. I must have been asleep for 20 minutes and I woke up to yelling:

"Call 911! Hurry! CALL 911!" I ran out of the bedroom expecting it to be on fire.

The friend of my brother had overdosed and was turning blue.

"Quick! help me get him into the bath tub! He's burning up! No, CALL 911!"

It was some of the scariest moments of my life. And of course when the ambulance and police arrived I had to do the talking. I told them I didn't know what was going on and that I just woke up to this. But the cop wasn't buying it.

"I need to know what you guys were doing! Were there drugs involved?!"

I'm staring at the ground in disbelief that I have to go through this and I look up.

"I just woke up to this, I don't know what happened!"

The EMT treated the friend and he slowly came to. But the cops were pissed and everyone knew foul play was involved. Eventually they bought the story that he must have had a seizure while playing the video games.

This event was never mentioned again and we sort of just moved along. The only thing my brother did was be more careful of who he got high with.


I didn't have a car at the time either. So I would usually depend on this brother or my friends to get around. One night in particular was a cold, wintry night. My friends dropped me off late. There was snow on the ground and I came back to the door locked. I didn't have a key to the dead bolt. Only my brother did, but it was never used. And of course this was the one night my phone was dead. I think he didn't want me in there to see him high. Either that or he had overdosed.

I tried knocking on the back window but it was no use.

I eventually gave up as it was 2:30 in the morning and didn't want the cops called.. again. And because of our family pride I couldn't let any of the neighbors know that we.. "had problems."


So I spent a very memorable night in the woods behind our apartment.

I tried to use a tree stump as a pillow, but eventually accepted I wasn't sleeping that night.

I was meant to remember it.

I ended up just pacing around and sitting on a log for hours, as the ground was too cold to be on. So I just sat there and thought how I need to change things to get away from the worst influence in my life. It was around 7am that I finally went back and knocked on the door. He opened it and didn't look at me - we both just went back to our bedrooms and closed our doors.

The next day my mother picked me up with a laundry basket full of clothes and I was out of there.

A couple weeks later he ended up in rehab. But the damage was already done and there was no rehab for our relationship.

Still to this day I look at him with different eyes.


Not that I'm unforgiving - I just can't forget. Because it wasn't just what he did to me , but what he put my family through.. basically our whole lives and in so many ways. To this day, even though he's clean, I still see a resemblance of that... person. The personality doesn't change, and the addiction just changes form. I'm happy in knowing I'm nothing like him and when I see any resemblance of him in me, I f#cking change it.

-Secret Writer


The Secret Writer is a service that is designed to help people reveal their secrets in an anonymous way. All Secret Writer posts are a 50% revenue split with Steem Dollars. @stellabelle edits and does all the art/photo editing. All you do is provide the secret. If you want to submit your secret for the Secret Writer post, send an email to This email is encrypted and 100% anonymous.

The Secret Writer was first created on Medium about 6 months ago. It moved to Steemit about one month ago for obvious reasons. I originally created it as a free service and never considered it as a revenue stream until Steemit came into being. I wanted to help people with their torturous secrets. I was secretive for my whole life until 2015 so I understand the nature of secrets very well. Here's the post that gives you the full details of the Secret Writer service:

When you email me your secret, make sure and tell me if you want to get paid in Steem Dollars, Bitcoin or PayPal.

Email me your secrets.


This seems like a really good service. So many people may have stories they are less than proud to be associated with that are worth hearing. @stellabelle this was a really good idea.

As to this particular article. I encountered some similar experiences though NOT quite to this degree growing up with two alcoholic parents, an alcoholic uncle 8 years older than me (fried his liver by 24), and alcoholic grand mothers. One of my grand mothers fell dead off of a bar stool at age 48. I am 45 today.

I was VERY anti-alcohol for a big portion of my life due to these experiences.

I really am not any longer. I am now of the opinion we should legalize (or at least decriminalize) everything and focus on other ways to help people besides throwing them in jail for what MIGHT happen. Portugal did this over a decade ago and all drug usage (including Heroin) and across the board has dropped. I remember in High School (so we were all under the legal drinking age) virtually everyone DRANK, and managed to get alcohol even though it was illegal. In fact, since it was illegal they seemed to think they needed to binge drink any time they got a hold of some. I also knew a lot of people that smoked cigarettes that were not old enough to do that. Banning, and criminalizing does not actually seem to solve things. If people STEAL, HURT, KILL then charge them with theft, assault, or murder. We need to stop penalizing people for what MIGHT happen and instead focus on helping people.

wow! compelling story. i'm also for decriminalizing drugs.

Totally agree. Addiction needs to be approached not as a crime, but as a physiological/psychological problem that needs to be fixed. It saddens me to hear that the Secret Writer's family never tried addressing this more with the user and now casts him aside. Drug addiction sucks, and it does destroy lives, but what if it was compared to people who cannot control their eating disorders? If someone is addicted to food, should it be acceptable to look down on them and treat them as just a burden and a scar on your family?

Forgive and let live. You will be happier for it rather than forever condemning a family member's addiction you don't understand. I am not saying his actions were right, or kind, but guaranteed he doesn't look back on it and smile. He probably fought internally for years to try and get sober but couldn't break free and succumbed to the pressure of getting another fix. (there was a heroin addict in our family too)

I like the "Secret writer" series... I think it'll produce a lot of gems as we move forward. Good stuff.

Same! What a great way to leak a very "secret" story to the public and not worry about your accounts rep. or needing a throwaway. This is a very deep post and I am very sad to say that too many of my young friends have gone through this :(
It truly is a modern epidemic.

I thought long and hard about how i could create value for society, way before steemit. I struggled for so many years, and i believe i can help people in my own small way with the secret writer.

This story touching me.

Awesome I have read you steemit guide. You are one of the best

thanks. i take everyone's secrets very seriously.

Thanks for the sharing of yet another high shock value post and a LOT of work put into. Looking forward to more posts, namaste :)

Powerful posts everyday... I don't know if I can handle all the feels.

Being the keeper of the secrets is a job that i value greatly.
I aim to share the painful, gut-wrenching truths of the bleeders of the world. I think it's my main life's mission.
I think the world is caving in because of pain. If we can share our pain, I think it's possible to heal.
This was true in my case. I'm still healing though. It never quite ends for some of us.

I'm looking for tips on authors who deserve more attention - and to be featured in Steemit Golden Nuggets this friday and new ones every friday after that! Comment on the post with suggestions!

This is touching and heartbreaking at the same time.
Can you contact the original author and just tell her that this reminds me of a quote?

Trust is a mirror. Once it's broken you can glue it back together. But you will always see the cracks

Thanks for this!

Your secret writer service is really cool. First I'm seeing it because I've been trying to do the ironic hipster thing and ignore trending stuff, you know because I'm cool like that.
Decided to pull my head out of my ass though, and now I'm realizing I have missed a lot by being that way.
I actually came here, because I was searching all postings for authors, writers etc. Just to see what kind of quality content we already have.

I've started a new tag "storytime" that exists as a way of collecting short stories. The current steemit format doesn't lend itself well to ereaders and tablets so in a few weeks I'm going to release an app to gather anything in storytime and treat it like a library.

As an author I thought you might like to know that.
I've published the first story, mostly so I can see how it looks on the app, but I'm also hoping it gains some traction just on it's own merits. I would be absolutely thrilled if you would stop by and read Let me know your thoughts on it. @casandrarose and I are considering expanding it into a steemit exclusive series in it's own right if there are enough people interested.

Anyways, thanks you have some awesome stuff. I can't believe I cheated myself out of it before.

Quite a heavy post, i guess drugs just in general is a heavy topic =/ Great read though.

Keep up the good work @stellabelle

thanks for your support

While it sucks to deal with a family member with an addiction, holding onto your resentment for that person after they have cleaned up says more about the person you are and the lack of strength/willingness to support your family member than about the addicted party.

It also seems like the poster holds their brother responsible for their uncle's death, which, while terribly timed, does not put the brother at fault.

As an ex-addict I can relate, except from the opposite perspective. It's hard too. You know you're doing wrong the entire time but you drown your sorrows with another good high. A vicious cycle inside a pit of despair. I feel sorry for anyone suffering from addiction, and that's not just the addicts themselves. The family and friends of addicts have it the hardest by feeling like they're unable to help. My mother felt my addiction. She's the reason I turned my life around. Not every one is lucky enough to realize these things and stop. Addiction is a mental illness.


Thought provoking post, it's so scary how drugs not only affects the individual, but those closest to them also. Beatifully written.

Hi Stellabelle,

Very heavy read. Do you think the author should give their bother another chance? It seems like a very toxic family, but he could have changed after all the years and being clean. Congrats on the secret writer idea, it's a good one!

I make no judgments as to what the secret writer should do. It's not my place to judge, only to share the truth of the secret writers of the world.

Great read and powerful like all of your posts. I look forward to more.

thanks for saying so.

I'm really starting to like your posts. I hadn't seen much of them before today's Joplin tornado pics, but this is incredible. Consider me a devout follower. Your content is awesome.@stellabelle

thank you fellow Missourian.

Good read... @stellabelle ....Rough but well displayed. I've come to learn and accept that No one wakes up each day to truly want to be an addict of anything. Obviously if they could so easily, they would stop. I've been an ear for many people with the struggle. Some say they do want to just be an addict but you can see in their eyes that whatever it is has made them feel defeated. All about support ... Allll about the support. It's tiring but it's the truth.

yes, as an addict myself, i have a special interest in sharing addict stories. although i've recovered from drug use, i still get addicted to overwork, and making art. it's a daily struggle actually.

I hear ya. Well nicely done with powering through the battle of addiction to drugs. You're far from alone. I've got the addictive genes full on. Drugs seem to tap into a whole other feeling and beastly side of addiction. Sucks but if you conquer that then you prove yourself to be seriously solid. I can't speak for what you truly have going on inside your mind.....Obviously a lot of good from reading your material but I hope you can train your mind to not see the passion of making art and overworking as an addiction of darkness. You have some good shit in the works so hopefully you can see it as just straight passion. I am an over worker too. Times come where I run myself into the ground with 90+ hour weeks. I find it good for me to keep my ass busy and it's good. I get to a point sometimes where I'm wasted tired and run ragged from overdueing it. That's when the addiction is no Bueno. I can't see the addiction to making art as bad but I'm sure you have your reasons to see it as a struggle. BiG UPS on pushing through on anything that puts a road block in you way.... You've got some good material here on Steemit. I'll be lookin to you for some serious inspiration in this area..

Well, what I mean is that I have a pressing fear of going broke that forces me to work a lot. I also have these visions of the future and I have a lot of mad ideas that keep me up late at night or wake me up (like right now). I am still having issues with "seeing dolphins" and other sea creatures on my walls and floors when I wake up during the middle of the night. I realize I possess an odd visualization mechanism, whereby I externalize my internal passions. I do know in time, though, that my mind has created these visual externalizations. I'm probably mildly insane, but in a good and creative way that exploits my creative energies. I've never been happier in my life than now, and a lot of anger I used to feel is now gone. For that I am grateful. Being angry is what used to drive me to drinking/drugs. I wanted so badly to escape my negative feelings. Now, as I'm sober, my negative feelings go away much quicker.
Addiction is I believe a problem of the spirit. A darkness, a lack of true inner happiness is the source of many binges, i believe. Many adults don't know what makes them happy.
When they get to where I"m at, the happiness emerges by itself. It then becomes a quesiton of what to focus energy on. And also, at what point one needs to take a break. I think I didn't eat all day, or take a break from writing/creating.....until 5 pm.....this is pretty normal for me though....Forgetting to eat means that I'm living the dream life.

Oh man..... I feel like your describing me to a T.
Pretty crazy how similar some people can be to others .... I know I need to follow you now. Not that me relating in every word you describe yourself is the only reason I would but its most definitely gives me more perked interest in what you've got to offer besides skills I've noticed by checkin out your work. Not eating because of getting so in the zone that all of a sudden it's 2 am and breakfast is all you've eaten from the morning before . My daily routine for me as well. I feel ya on addiction being a lack of true inner happiness... For me it's tied to the fact that my entire life I literally have woken up every day wondering about how I can make this world a better place. Almost like the cursed side of being an empathic born lacking the ability to not marry the emotions of who or whatever I get snagged on trying to help have a better existence. Makeing it so I forget about my own well being. By trying to make this world a better place I blind myself to all the amazing shit this world has to offer which I try to bring out in others in the first place. Then putting myself in that dark place by default. Then getting myself in the rut by realizing that I can't make the world a better place for others. They have ta do it for themselves but to only live my life in in a way as healthy as possible and making it so I live a life that creates the least bumpiest ride for others so they can find their own happiness with minimal obstacles. That's why stumbling upon this social media platform has been a pretty badass thing. Hoping this actually is a stomping ground for pivotal avenues to greater and better things. Trying my hardest not to get the hook too deep of the potential Steem might have. Which I think it does . I see this little pocket as a good one. Tons of solid info and amazing people surfacing here then most any place I've been in a while.
Well shit , as you can see.... We're a lot alike. Sitting on a bus in Cali , 4:30 am.... Rambling feverishly. Forcing myself to stop so I spare you and the Steemit crew from never wanting to read any of my work. Thanks for sharing all to got ta share. I Dig it.... Keep on puttin out the goods. We all are Lovin it. Peace on the playground & keep the steem a rising !

Go eat something would ya..? For both of us :)

I really like your posts!

I love the artwork. Is that a mini cheetah? :)

yes, a toy cheetah

I look forward to reading your posts! You are such a great writer!

well, as I have mentioned before, I don't write the secrets. They are given to me and then I make the art/photos and edit the stories.

If there were no clouds we should not enjoy the sun

your life story touching my heart,
I should stay away from drug as far as possible

Thanks for sharing. Interesting to read.

Story hard to read. But this need to know.

some story

very good

Great post I was working on a similar article when I saw this post. finished it now. check it out

Good link @gilang-ramadan ..... Funny how sometimes when am feeling in despair I often wind up with so much jargon all up in my thoughts that I actually question if I'm the only one questioning the meaning of life. Yea I know pretty self-absorbed... But when you get in those headspaces it's all too easy to become delusional where it's possible to let any thought in and have it run rampant. Obviously far from the truth. Quite the opposite actually. It's hard to believe anyone searching for the meaning of life is not thinking in ways to make this world a better place. IMO ..... It's so nice Ta know just how many people out there, surfacing here on Steemit alone are putting so much time into this Eternal Question. Steemit has so far been proving me into believing that there is so much more hope of the Brighter future I am so consumed with exposing.

Thanks again for adding this link to this convo @gilang-ramadhan