Get Revenue Anonymously: How To Submit A Secret To The Secret Writer Project:

in #secret-writer8 years ago (edited)

If you have a secret that you don't want connected to your own Steemit or other social media account, email your secret to

The Secret Writer is an anonymous account that I created on Medium several months ago as a free service to help those who are suffering in silence. I am moving this Secret Writer service to Steemit and this will be its new home.

I will be doing a lengthy post on Medium describing why I have chosen to move the Secret Writer account to the Steemit platform.

Submitting your secret to the Secret Writer account may be more lucrative than just posting your story on your own, especially since it's getting very crowded in Steemit. I have established and created a trustworthy reputation in Steemit in a short time, so I feel that my posts get more exposure (at least right now. Complacency leads to a quick death. I'm not saying all my posts get into the top spot, but I am committed to contributing high quality, original Steemit content on a regular basis, so I guess that commitment shines through somehow.

The inspiration for creating a Secret Writer anonymous account was to create a relief valve in social media for people who wanted to share their tortured secret, but who didn't want their real social media account to be tied to the secret for reasons of privacy, potential abuse, job loss, social upheaval, etc. The inspiration came from a tragic event that happened to me several years ago.

I do a 50% revenue share with all people (and bots, i.e., @wang) who submit their story to the Secret Writer. Whatever the reward for the blogging is, you get 50%.

I'm now using this as a way for people who have already submitted a secret on Medium to join Steemit. I tell them that their revenue sharing is waiting in their wallet here on Steemit. To redeem the money, all they need to do is sign up for a Steemit account, contact me and then I will deposit the funds into their wallet.

I also regularly disperse Golden Tickets in varying 10 SD increments to people who experience verbal abuse on this site. (Golden Tickets is just a term for tipping). Instead of focusing attention of the perpetrators of verbal violence, the victims who suffer emotional trauma from verbal abuse are compensated with Steem dollars. (I could almost see a comedic twist of this idea emerging as well).

This is done to ensure providing a safe internet home for those who wish to divulge their radical and sometimes gut-wrenching true stories of hell, redemption and deep desires.

Because I do a lot of tipping on a regular basis, people won't be able to tell which person is receiving Steem Dollars for which Secret Writer post. I will be sharing a flat rate of either 10 SD or 20 SD to all secret writer submissions in order to make the revenue anonymous. Golden Tickets and Secret Writer tips are the same amounts to ensure that the Secret Writer identity is not revealed.

I am warning you right now: don't get any crazy ideas of submitting a fake story. I have advanced skills at sniffing out fake stuff. You're just going to have to trust me on this one.

However, I'm not an idiot, so if your fake story turns out to be magnificent, well then, it just slips through the cracks and gets rewards. Brilliance is always appreciated.

Be creative in your mischief and desire for income and if you want to write a shitty fake story, create a parody of this called SECRET WRITER: The Fake Stories (I would honestly want to do this, if only I had more time. SOMEONE PLEASE DO THIS IDEA, IT'S BRILLIANT?

My ideas are up for grabs. If you see something you like, do it. I don't believe in copyrights actually (patents are different, though as some inventions take so long to create). The commons, baby, the sweet commons make our lives so fucking amazing.

If you are suffering with a secret, and you want to get relief, send your secret to:

I will never reveal your identity unless the FBI has a gun to my head. If there was one person on the planet you could trust, it is me.

ps--- If there is any Steemian who has more advanced skills than me about how to make my idea even more anonymous, please talk with me. I realize that gmail may not be the way to go, but I really need some help figuring out a more secure and anonymous setup that is highly automated. I simply don't have time to research how to do this. Leave your ideas below. Thank you in advance.

To see the original Secret Writer Medium account, go here:

I have a secret, too.


This is such an awesome concept and it will bring lots of healing to many people. This post has slipped by me when it got first posted but luckily it still surfaced.
Thank you for this.

What process do you use for transfer of the rewards? Create a new account in Steemit and include the address in the wallet ?

BTW - this is a BRILLIANT idea an I have no doubt there will be some very interesting stories coming from this.

I just give the author half. As I mentioned, I also give out Golden Tickets all the time, so I doubt if anyone could figure out what story belonged to whom.....I'm still working this you have any ideas?

Thanks for that Golden Ticket! I need to learn how to use those next :)

Only idea I could think of is including a BTC or ETH with the story. More complicated for you to determine times of payouts, calculate the payment, convert to the other cryptocurrency, etc...

Actually.. I would chip in on a bounty to pay a programmer to write a smart contract for this purpose. Basically a smart contract that would tie to a specific article posted with an ETH address tied to the article. It could handle the payouts automatically and adjust payouts based on customized parameters.

At least I assume its possible based on my baseline understanding ... :)

just wait. a marketplace is coming to Steemit. I personally don't have any interest now in dealing with ETH. This system I think will be more intelligently designed. Hey but I like the idea of getting help with this thing. The possibilities of reading unfiltered stuff is sooooo exciting. It's like getting inside someone else's brain (something I've always wanted).

It looks like a great idea, first because it can help the people to count his history under the anonymity, second because with your help and your talent writing you can express better than many other persons and to do a history that comes to the people.

I think that the best way of overcoming a problem it is counting, so I encourage the persons to whom they take part in your project and are liberated of his problems.

We wait for his histories.


thanks for your support. I look forward eagerly to being able to help repair damaged souls. I'm working on a mind deprogramming kit, designed to help people get out of the Matrix for good. I tested it out on myself so I know it works.

This is a very interesting concept. And I actually have a story I wanted to share but it is SUPER embarrassing but kind of funny IMO. I may just have to write it out and send it to you! Awesome, awesome idea, very clever.

Also I want to do the secret writer: fake stories idea now.

do it!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE DO IT. i will start planning out my insane new plots!

New secure and encrypted email for submissions. Send your secrets to

any suggestion secure and encrypted email provider?

Great way to show what steemit is all about! The steemit community coming together to help each other out!! I think this is an awesome idea!

Hi! Can I just send you a brief summary for my secret story and you can do the rest? Are the 50% earnings of the story split after it is posted for a week?

Good idea, I would change your email account to a secure protonmail account for email comms

I changed it to

Cool - much better than gmail ) - Stella i also created a SteemColab platform today which would be a good place to display your posts and do some collaboration -

Make sure to set up highly secure email account. something with end to end encryption. you know blackmailers will be prying at the edges.

ok like what?

Protonmail and Tutanota like earnest suggested seem to sport most lists that google shows me. I also ran into one called Lavaboom that is claimed to be pretty much like a hybrid of the 2. It is named in Honour of Lavabit which was renowned for protecting Edward Snowden by shutting down instead of betraying him to the FBI. Not sure if they are the same crew that helped Ladar Levison or if they are just hijacking the cred in name alone. You'll have to do some research and find the best one. You might also need to consider premium service depending on how big of an inbox you need. I don't know if using a VPN is redundant or not. You should probably be using one anyways. They aren't expensive.

i got protonmail set up.
I'll replace it now. I'm looking into VPN too. thanks.

This is awesome!

I'll be sending you something soon @stellabelle