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RE: VIDEO: Why I Created The Secret Writer Service And A Personal Tour Of My Community In Wilderness

in #secret-writer9 years ago

It blew my mind when you just walked onto the property of someone else like it was nothing. Is that normal for your community? Although I really like how nice your community seems to be, I think that would be a bit too much for me.


yes, it's normal. It's built in a circle and everyone knows everyone.
We all look out for eachother, and the kids are watched by many parents and grandparents.
It's a very rare kind of American community. It's based in intentional Christian values, even though I'm an atheist, no one seems to care or mind that I never go to the community church. The church is here also, and a community center, etc. is all walking distance. Our land is communally owned, so that means we can plant or grow whatever we want. Shared land means people don't guard their little block of land the way the rest of society does. Each person owns the land on which their house is built but the rest of the land is communally owned, by the Church.

Wow that is a beautiful concept and it's very nice to see that it actually seems to be working. It reminds me a lot of the hippie culture.

well, it's Christian, so not really hippie-esque. I grew up here and have lots of stories of crazy Christians. Everything was taboo in this RLDS community: drinking, smoking, sex, you name it! Even some people out here believed that "God" would cure them of cancer. They refused to go to doctors, Guess what? They died early deaths.

Do you mind making a post solely about the community? Of course I don't want you to get into trouble by sharing community secrets or exposing anything but since this is a concept I've never been confronted with I would be really interested about what more you have to tell about it. I could also set up an interview if you don't really know what to talk about.

Sure, we can do an interview, as long as I get a cut.....maybe 15% of the post?
my Skype ID is haizarahaizara. What's yours?
Make a Steemit post out of it.....

cool, I've just sent you a request with my account constantijncrijnen