Hi Steemians, another fun day in the virtual world.
We went for a flight today in our paraglider and went over the Chamonix City and I saw a bobsled run. I was excited to try it for the first time...

I got changed into something more appropriate for this experience and headed to the start of the run...
Here we go, I clicked the board to choose a bobsled (practice, single ride or double ride)....
In I get.... wohoo
Bobsled Scoreboard: You are now registered for the bobsled.
Ooops, meant that lol (should have tried the practice)
Here comes the finish line...
Finish Gate shouts: Final time: 1:43.71. Rank: 41.

Not yet in the top scores to make the board but was a fun ride
There are other fun things to check out at Chamonix City, so if you are into winter sports you should check it out.
We also spotted some ice hockey rinks Global Online Hockey Association
Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed :)
If you do check out any of these be sure to let us know of your experience :)

Haha, was funny to watch you flip upside down :)
should have selected a double ride lol... next time hehe