
I wish i had a crystal ball i do hope not but my advice live every day the best way you can like there was no tomorrow 😊

Take care and enjoy 👍

Many wish that the world would not come to an end too. Mainly because they believe that the earth will be destroyed. But actually, the scriptures assure us that God will neither destroy the earth nor ever allow it to be destroyed! "The end" that the Bible makes mention of is good news rather than bad. You know why? "The end" that it talks about is "the end" of failing human government. It explains at Daniel 2:44: "In the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed. And this kingdom will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it alone will stand forever." So you see, human government will be "crushed" and will be 'put to an end.'

The Bible also promised that God is "bringing to an end to wars throughout the earth." Thus, war, violence and injustice will end.

Can you imagine how splendid would it be if God eliminates all wicked influences? 😊

I can think of a few governments that should be crushed right now starting with Trump let's hope God is right and we can see this in our future or our kids future.

Have a great day God Bless 🙏