
Howdy kaerpediem! That lady with the coolest username on Steemit! lol. It's truly amazing isn't it? I don't understand it and I'm still super impressed!

You are too cute :D

I remember there was this thing a clown once did while the performers were getting ready
He invited four people from the audience into the ring
Got them to sit on chairs facing each other, and blindfolded them
Then rested their arms and legs in the position necessary
And moved the chairs out from under them
They stayed that way until they were told that the chairs were no longer under them
The realisation made them panic/move and they toppled to the floor
.... Good thing, no one got upset hahaha

Those rock formations intrigue me too
Especially the ones going across... defying gravity..
Amazing :D

Howdy kaerpediem! That is an amazing story! These gifted people are very inspiring even though I don't understand it! I'm so glad you enjoyed the rock sculptures!