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RE: [SCT-EVENT] 카카이벤트 시즌4-1 쫄깃한 베타팩+SCT 5개를 잡아라 <화요일 ~ 20:00>

in #sct5 years ago

cryptkeeper17님이 kibumh님을 멘션하셨습니당. 아래 링크를 누르시면 연결되용~ ^^
cryptkeeper17님의 Big Congratulations and Thanks from a Bat Guano Fan of @steemmonsters to Those Building "A Force to be Reckoned With"

... kiokizzolorin|macbaren| butterb| foreverpeace| jaki01| ash| kibumh thepurpleprince| cryptocopy| davemccoy| leemikyung | shoeman...