Shadowrun - Toronto Troubles - Part 1

in #scifi7 years ago

Our story starts with Black Scorpion. Still new to Toronto, and UCAS as a whole, he struggles to find work, so he has a place to live. His only domicile as of yet, a Ford Americar that houses all his equipment and provides shelter from the windy autumn weather. On his daily patrol of the downtown area, BS encounters a contact he'd been cultivating, a street urchin known only to him as "Jimmy".

Jimmy works the corner of Bay and King, which is prime panhandling territory. He claims he’s clean now, but the slot in his head he hastily covers with his greasy hair as BS approaches says otherwise. Regardless, he gestures for BS to come closer.

“H-h-h-hey chummer! I heard something about that thing we were talking about… There's not much that pays well without getting your hands dirty, but word on the street is Karamazov might have what you're looking for.” BS pays him for the tip and Jimmy shares that Karamazov can be found at a bar on the upper west side called "The Tunnel Bar".


Meanwhile, in a dingy apartment, surrounded by empty drink cups and junk food wrappers, The Hanger concludes another busy night of small time jobs and cruising the shadownet for more opportunities. Tired and disheveled, he is about to disconnect, when an urgent messages pops up on his screen.

I've been watching your activities with interest. Your results speak for themselves and I have a job you may be interested in. The sensitive nature of this work requires your appearance at the attached coordinates. I will make it worth your time. -K

His interest piqued, The Hanger prepares himself to face the outside world. His oversized helmet should shield his identity, as he is sure this K person, whoever he may be, knows him only by reputation and not by his true identity.


In the northern part of the city bordering on a large park, the Shaman Shade meditates. The spirits speak to him. Sometimes from the mouths of others and sometimes on their own, but as of late, they seem to speak more all the time. The words are incomprehensible in his head, but their message is clear: There is great suffering expressed in tiny voices, followed by an odd silence that is not death.

He meditates on this carefully for many days, fasting a day at a time in hopes the meaning of their message might be revealed to him, but his search for clarity is interrupted by knock at the door... He opens it.

Before him stands gruff looking Ork. What he lacks in height he more than makes up for in muscle and custom chrome. His ears have clearly been replaced and there's a data jack on the side of his head. His large teeth that protrude from impossibly dark green lips do not appear friendly, but the smile they are twisted into convey a different message.

"Sorry to disturb you, but I understand you are looking for your people and believe I have an offer that might interest you."

Reverent toward the holy man, the Ork explains that the he has heard rumours this shaman hears voices, children's voices from the spirit world. His employer is seeking to find these children and end their torment.

"I can take you time any time you're ready, but, the sooner the better."

Shade gathers his things and leaves the apartment, following this new ally in hopes of answers...

This is a fictional interpretation of a Shadowrun campaign I GM weekly. If you'd like to read more, there's plenty to come.

Next Episode - The Meeting