Do You Know, Some Facts About A Pencil You Never Realized

in #science7 years ago (edited)

Hi steemian friend, How are you all ?

Do you know there are so many facts in this world that we have never known, whether it's a small thing or a fact about a discovery that can change the world. one of which is the fact about a pencil that we never realize, although it is common knowledge that we all have the name pencil. especially to sketches lovers or the like.

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Here are interesting facts about pencils that we never realized.

  • The pencil was first created in 1565 in England, but only a century later mass-produced in Germany.

  • On March 30, 1858, man creates an eraser. Most European pencils do not use an eraser in his butt. Unlike a pencil in America that uses an eraser.

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  • Each tree trunk with an average size will produce 170 thousand pencils.

  • The biggest pencil made by Ashrita Furman in New York. Length 23 m, weight 10 ton, and the price is US $ 20 thousand.

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  • The pencil sharpener was first created and patented by a French mathematician, Bernard Lassimone, in 1828. Previously people sharpened a pencil with a knife.

  • Pencils are brightly colored to make them easy to find. This pencil is hexagonal (not spherical) in order not to roll on the plane.

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  • Initially pencils were used to mark the goats. The soft nature of the graphite makes the breeders easy to carve a mark on goat skin.

  • One pencil can write 40 thousand words or the equivalent of a 35-mile line.

  • Each year produced 14 billion pencils around the world. The largest in the United States (2 billion stems). If all the pencils were used to make the lines, 64 lines of the world would be created.

how interesting is not it ?
I am sure you all are not aware because of the fact. I am the same with you !!

Thank you, hopefully useful !!