Science And Wonder
Looking around the world almost equivalent planet
Looking around the world almost equivalent planet:
Now scientists have discovered the peak planet Earth in space. So far, scientists have discovered the number of planets matching the Earth, and NASA has said that the new planet is similar to that of the new. Kepler 186 F. This planet is slightly larger than Earth. Its temperature is slightly lower than the Earth. However, considering the structure and position of 186F, there is a possibility of having water there. NASA However, it is not possible to say that the existence of life on the planet is 500 light years away from the planet, scientists say.
Hello, good evening, I hope you are very well, I love the information, it excites me too much when they discover new things like planets or things submerged in the sea although I am terrified that life really exists on some planets and they may invade us, and excuse me Ignorance but if you think about it, do you really believe that we are the only living beings in this huge galaxy? I think governments are hiding a lot of things from us and one of them is this ... !! Thanks to the Family of @Steemit for allowing me to publish what I think and I hope that my comment has not offended anyone.
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