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RE: The Theory Of Almost Everything

in #science6 years ago

Great response!

I wonder just how minority some of these topics are? I am constantly in awe at the number of PhD students that are doing their research in more alternative views of science. Just the other day I got a message from a university professor in Switzerland that works in computational modeling, and she was hoping to have her PhD student work crunching data we had available about plant music and human interaction, i.e. entanglement. I have had lots of different types of scientists contact me, but a person that works specifically in statistics and hard numbers was a first!

I spent some time reading through the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy a while back, and was amazed at all the information in there that was once considered "magic". Even Plant Signaling & Behavior, a science that was non-existent only 15 years back, has found ways to explain phenomena that were outside the understanding of traditional science. Personally, I find all these border sciences super interesting, as I find the use of more traditional forms of biology in new areas of development, such as #biomimicry and other types of nature-inspired solutions, inspiring. Science has spent lifetimes trying to break apart the natural world into tiny little components. But I find the richness of Life in the interconnections.