One of the fundamental paradoxes of life on Earth is that we live on a planet that revolves around its own axis and at the same time revolves around the solar group, and the solar system revolves around a galaxy that revolves around the universe, yet we are all languishing here and we feel that we are not moving at all.
actually, by the time you spent reading this post for two minutes, you travelled more then 100,000 km ( 64,000 miles) across the universe at speed more than 3 million km/h (1,9 million mph), this is equivalent to 850 km/s or 530 mps.
How can this be?
It's actually a more accurate than you think.
Speed is a relative issue ... not an absolute matter.
So if you want to calculate speed of something whether it's an atom or a car or a Milky Way galaxy, you need to know something else's velocity to measure it
as we know, there is no fixed point on the surface of the Earth,
the fastest point is on the equator,that orbiting around the Earth at speed 1675 km/h (1040 mph),
and the Earth revolves around the sun at speed 170,290 km/h (66,667 mph).
and the sun with all the planets of the solar system revolve around the center of the Milky Way at speed 871,781 km/h (541,700 mph).
Even without calculating that our Milky Way galaxy is also revolve around the universe.
It's really hard to understand the fact that we're on a planet revolving around a huge solar group that also revolves around a larger galaxy that speedily hurtling through a universe that can't figure out how big it is,
But if you feel you haven't done anything today,
remember that by the time it took to read this post, you would travelled more than 64,000 miles across space without even sweating one drop.
You're lucky!
source images : 1 2 3
- : You Just Travelled Thousands of Miles Through Space in The Time It Took to Read This
- : You just travelled thousands of miles through space in the time it took to read this headline
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I'm sorry for some spelling mistakes. I'm trying to convey the idea to you in a beautiful way.
I hope you support me....
It's hard to picture all those things happening in your head. Space is so vast that it's hard to believe such a big universe exists when you live in a tiny little house on Earth.
Yes you are right.... I love the universe because that makes you realize that all the troubles of life are too small.
I am happy with your comment @marxrab
That explains why it takes so much longer to drive East in my car. The earth the spinning so fast beneath me. 😁😁 just teasing. Good article. Thanks for sharing.
This post is well written and easy to understand! You are a very good teacher. <3
thank you dear @cheneats . i hope you have a nice day
Thank you, the same to you!