A group of Technology Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have developed a way of keeping track of vaccinated children by embedding a record of the vaccination directly into the skin.
When a child is vaccinated they would also be injected with a small amount of dye which is invisible to the naked eye. Then using a smartphone application which used a special filter the dye would become visible. The dye would remain visible for five years.
Scientific American reports:
Mark Prausnitz, a bioengineering professor at the Georgia Institute of Technology, who was not involved in the new study. Such a system https://www.oye.news/news/health/meet-the-babies-in-your-next-vaccines/of recording medical information must be extremely discreet and acceptable to the person whose health information is being recorded and his or her family, he says:
“Especially in developing countries where medical records may not be as complete or as accessible, there can be value in having medical information directly associated with a person. This, I think, is a pretty interesting way to accomplish those goals.”
The research, conducted by M.I.T. bioengineers Robert Langer and Ana Jaklenec and their colleagues, uses a patch of tiny needles called microneedles to provide an effective vaccination without a teeth-clenching jab. Microneedles are embedded in a Band-Aid-like device that is placed on the skin; a skilled nurse or technician is not required. Vaccines delivered with microneedles also may not need to be refrigerated, reducing both the cost and difficulty of delivery, Langer and Jaklenec say.
This type of technology as innocent and novel as its being advertised has far more dangerous consequences in reality, particularly when you consider the clampdown on unvaccinated children and exemptions. It will allow authorities to easily identify unvaccinated children and indeed adults and then take action where necessary.
Further Reading: Scientific American
Originally published on our website over at OYE NEWS : https://www.oye.news/news/world-news/invisible-ink-could-reveal-whether-kids-have-been-vaccinated/
That's a devastating approach!!
Only a fool would allow their child to be marked.
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