Ever imagined how life would be if you were color blind? Missing out on the circus clowns noses , the beauty of colorful flowers in the spring and fireworks on new year’s eve. To your amazement color blindness affects visual ability to see certain colors like red and green or blue and yellow. Surprisingly one in two hundred females suffer from color blindness whereas one in twelve males which is like saying 1% female and 8% male.
In most cases it is genetic inherited by ones family members. Many diseases can however cause color blindness which include Kallan syndrome, Tiagbine drug (epilepsy drug),Cataracts, LHON (lebers hereditary optic neuropathy) and Parkinsons disease. Unfortunately theres no cure but scientists are working on finding a cure. People with color blindness can still see color even though it might be pale or washed out. The picture below gives us an overview to see the color through their eyes.
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Helpful post mate. Good work. Upvoted
I really like this and this post is coloring
Nice so light pictures
Fortunately that science and medicine is progressing to deal with this kind of this disease , nice post
no color hmm crucial
Nice Post ..!!
Very interesting and great pics!
Thanks for sharing @writemore this awesome post. My husband is color blind and he is an auto body painter, which people say "how can you paint cars and not being able to see the colors?" He can't see red, so sometimes he cannot see the flowers on the trees because it all looks green to him. Shades is how can tell the difference between colors. Thank you again for sharing this informative post.