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RE: Effects of a Vegetable/Fruit Juice Based Diet On The Human Microbiome: Is It Actually Healthy?

in #science7 years ago

Great read! Summarizing different scientific publications is a great idea! I might start doing something similar, especially since I can never figure out what to post haha. Just followed you!


Do it! It would be great if we could fill the science section with well done, informative pieces breaking down literature in such a way that normal people can really take something away from it.

Science journalism is full of sensationalism, and a desire to drive clicks. With steemit, it would be great if we could keep the focus on the actual information. We don't have advertisers to please :)

Thats a great point! I feel like ever since I signed up a week ago, I've been posting everything under the sun trying to figure out what would get people to read my articles. Especially after putting in a lot of effort on my first few posts and not getting much response. I think it's time to get back to really trying to write about relevant topics that could actually be beneficial, compared to me posting on the SteemitPhotoChallenge haha

A large part of success here is perseverance and marketing yourself. Interacting with people (I mean like you are doing here). It honestly takes a long time to build up enough followers to gain more traction get more people reading stuff. (people do seem to like checking out stuff that a lot of other people vote on)

I think the secret is just to write stuff you care about if you do that and stick with it at a regular rate (not overwhelming followers with a million posts) you will find more and more people interested. At least that's been my philosophy for the past year. My writing itself is still a huge work in progress, learning how to phrase things in ways that are both informative, and at least a bit entertaining is really tough!

Well i'm all about perseverance haha! It was the topic of my second post. Thanks for the advice though. I am still trying to figure who I am as a writer, but I am really enjoying this platform. My drive to succeed here, has facilitated an almost obsessive search for knowledge haha It's actually kind of cool. As far as your writing, I think your doing a great job! I really enjoyed reading your post, and I was able to digest everything you were talking about. I just followed you, so i'm looking forward to reading more of your work!

Thank you very much :)