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RE: Dealing with Flat Earth sect

in #science7 years ago

Hmm your explanation is no different than the one they are offering.
You seem very arrogant to me, maybe that was the reason you are banned from their groups not because they disagree what you are commenting.
Your goal was to argue with those stupid sect people as you are calling them and all you get was a ban. So I don't understand why are you laughing to the fact that you are banned because you can't prove your point to them.
Did you called them stupid and sect people in their groups ??
You are creating target over here grouping people into sect and giving them negative attributes carried by the term of sect.
I don't have anything against your argument , it is one more argument to discuss.
Love and peace


So, I'm arrogant because I ask questions? LOL

I can't prove my point hahaha What is not clear to you about my point about clouds? It is so simple.

No because you are calling people "sect people and stupid".
Everything is clear with the cloud point , but only one argument can't prove anything.
And question is also why do you think that it can ??
And also why are you laughing again in the place where there is no place for lough??
I read this haha as "I am better can't you see that "

You didn't read my post correctly. I said it was first of many questions I wanted to ask them. They wrote million comments, but NO ONE adressed first question about clouds. I'm not mocking them, I just wanted to show them faults of their belief. When I say they become sect, I'm not making stuff up because they become sect which block anyone who question their belief.

I laugh not because 'I'm better than you', it's because questioning anyone's belief in this world is forbiden. You ask question...blocked hahaha

There is a moderator or the person which is regulating the forums. Many times I was blocked on different subjects (not about the flat earth).
They have the power to ban or promote some subjects.
When you are banned you are not banned by the community of thousands of people , you are banned by the forum moderator.