recorded magnetic storms

in #science7 years ago

On the night of 18 to 19 March, the most powerful magnetic storm since early 2018 was recorded on Earth. After midnight, its power reached a maximum, and the excited magnetosphere of the planet remains so far, experts note the Laboratory of X-ray Astronomy of the Sun FIAN.

On Earth, the most powerful magnetic storm struck in a year
According to experts, the storm became the reaction of the Earth to a high-speed stream of the solar wind - it is reported, and it is typical for periods when solar activity tends to a minimum. Approximately for the same reason, no other events have been observed recently on the Sun - capable of leading to geomagnetic disturbances on the Earth - in particular, flares and plasma debris.

Researchers specify that earlier this year three magnetic storms were already recorded, each of which belonged to the first, "minimal" class - even weaker magnetic perturbations of the storms would not be considered at all. Today's event at the peak was estimated at two points on a five-point scale, which corresponds to the "average storm". Although the indignation, apparently, will remain until the end of the day, it is assumed that the peak of this event has already been passed.

Storms of the second class, as reported, can lead to a deterioration in the quality of broadcasting, as well as provide impact on the operation of spacecraft in the orbit of the planet. Also, up to a latitude of 50 degrees, polar auroras can be observed today, specialists can be added.

Experts said that Earth could be offered magnetic storms these days five days ago, and then specialists were inclined to suppose that they would all belong to the first of five categories, and not the second. Also, experts were of the opinion that the disturbances should have been observed not last night, but on the Pads of yesterday. By the way, then it was reported that until the end of the month the Earth expects two more peak levels, and then - on March 26.