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RE: ET (UFO) Disclosure Series: #12 – How The Mathematical Proof of Ancient Culture on Planet Mars Is Found In Earth's Pyramid Structures!

in #science8 years ago

Whether you think the Earth is flat or round, the stars and planets are observable from it. Ad hominem insults do not add credibility to you.


That text was from another post, I pasted It by accident, It was removed straight away. apologies. If you look at my post It has already been edited.

The stars are observable but they're just lights they're not terra firma places you can land on.

I REALLY don't want to turn this comments section into a flat earth thread - not because I am attempting to censor any information, but because there are already so many threads on the subject and the topic of this thread I have created is almost unheard of. I would appreciate if you would let it's own topic organically evolve.

Thanks - yes, I am aware of this topic - though I am not scholar in the ancient tablets etc.
I understand human origins to be quite different to that which is commonly projected by the annunaki version and feel that the claims made by some regarding the origins of humanity in relation to annunaki are generally based on judgements that are not fully representative of the truth of the situation.