If The Earth Was Flat, The Globalists Would Be Screwed! Maths Reasons why Flat Earth Logic Is Flawed.

in #science8 years ago (edited)

I have a very open mind and not just because I say so! I know that I am best served to consider ALL ideas on an equal footing - with no biases involved - and that if I fail to do that I may miss the truth. Therefore I have examined the continuing debate on the shape of Earth - is Earth Flat or is Earth A Spheroid?

flat earth

As surprising as it may be to many people, a debate has raged online for a few years now about the shape of the Earth, with a significant number of people being utterly convinced that the Earth is in fact flat and not round/spheroid as we are commonly taught in schools. I have seen people who generally talk total sense choosing to take the side of the 'flat earthers' and produce very detailed and lengthy videos attempting to make the case for a flat Earth. I have also seen an online 'friend' go into all out ballistic insult and attack mode at me personally just because I asked mathematically and scientifically valid questions about her thoughts that the Earth is flat. "You're an idiot", "You're a gullible fool, tricked by NASA!" and other claims made in a tirade of abuse! I am generally open to talking with anyone, but if they are going to deny scientific questioning, logic and maths in favour of insults then I have nothing more to say to them.


There are so many videos and threads on this topic that I don't feel there is any need to make a huge new post that details all of it - if you want to find out what others are saying then you can easily search in a search engine and find days worth of material and arguments.

A brief summary of the cases for and against a flat Earth might be:

FOR the Flat Earth Model:

  • If you go up in an air balloon and film from high enough, you will see that there is no curvature to the Earth.
  • You can't see any curvature from the surface of the Earth.
  • Water finds it's own level surface naturally and doesn't 'bend' around a globe as we observe it as oceans.
  • Satellite images of Earth from Space are composite images and are basically fake. NASA is an entirely bogus organisation.
  • The Bible says the Earth is flat and people want to remove God from our lives so they make out that Earth is a ball to get us to ignore the Bible.
  • Sun rays that can be sometimes seen emanating through clouds are scattered instead of being uniformly pointed in a single direction - this shows that the sun is much closer to us than the mainstream model tells us. The sun moves around the flat Earth at a close enough distance to allow day and night periods to co-exist in different regions of the flat Earth.
  • International Treaties exist that prevent people from visiting the South Pole, so we can't prove that really there is an edge to the flat Earth.

There are many other points raised by the Pro Flat Earth camp - you can review some of the points in Dave Murphy's video here:

FOR the Globe Earth Model:

  • If you travel high enough you will see the curvature of the Earth (Yes, the opposite point as to that which was made in the previous list).
  • The maths we use to travel our world confirms that the Earth is a globe.
  • No-one has ever been shown to fall off the edge of the planet.
  • No-one proved the Earth was flat prior to the modern international agreements that may or may not prevent people going to the South pole.

Again, there are many, many points to cover in the 'pro Globe Earth' model - this video series does a good job of clarifying points that I have never heard a 'flat Earther' rebut in any way at all. It may appear that it is going to be a troll video, but actually it makes valid points:

My Conclusions

I accept that there is interesting evidence for both 'versions' of the model of Earth and on the 'surface' of the issue we might at first be uncertain as to which is correct - however, my own experiences and understanding of maths and geometry lead me to conclude that Earth is a spheroid and not a flat plane.

I am aware that some channelled sources who advocate that we create our own reality have said that it is that BOTH versions of reality are true simultaneously - however, I do not personally concur with that since if a flat earther and a globe earther both travel to the alleged 'edge' of the world, they will both be forced to discover that one of them has been wrong.

For me, the points about the length of the flight path between certain locations on Earth (as seen in the 'flat-tard' video) is solid evidence that the Earth is round and I have seen 'flat earthers' attempt to claim the opposite, by saying that the length of certain flights proves the Earth is flat - except, that when I actually checked the flight times they were referencing, their claims were based on false information aka lies.

I welcome any comments here, but let's keep things friendly, eh? Regardless of the shape of our planet it is US who has to live here with each other!

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I have personally no reason to doubt that the world is not 3D, but I am also very open-minded even though I come from a scientific background. This is not really my field, but there are increasing evidence that the world (or the universe) is a hologram. In that case our vision of life as being in 3D might just be an illusion:)


I suggest listening to the channelled entity 'Bashar' who has been relaying full detail regarding holographic reality since the 1980s - long before humans were talking about it. http://www.bashar.og

click here!This post received a 4.6% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @ura-soul! For more information,

FE is psyop

The argument for a flat earth is ascenine save the hologram matrix theory. In which case it's a moot point as the reality will likely never be known.
For me the flat earth 'theorists' have been drawn in by a psy- op designed to denegrate an increasingly powerful truth movement.
The PTB will spread any meme however ludicrous to stop its momentum.
Good post dude.

Thanks! The holographic aspect where we all have our own versions of reality is the only possible way I can see it as accurate, but that is not what is generally promoted by flat earthers. Maybe we can crowd fund a trip to the edge of the world for them :)

I first came across The Atlantean Conspiracy, by Eric Dubay, about 10 or so years ago. I came across him on a site called Zaadz. He seemed like a sincere seeker to me at the time. His blog was full of the myriad spiritual seeker type posts. His attention, however, eventually became committed nearly full time by around 2011 to FE theory. I spent about 6-months of my time going over the claims....I found them wanting and weak.
The truth is we all have to seek authority when it comes to most things in a complex world. In an ideal world, this would be as it should. Unfortunately, since 911, we can no longer trust the authorities and FE theory is a direct result of that breach of trust. I suspect it is a psyop by the people who committed the 911 atrocity and the continuing and ongoing war against humanity that 911 ushered in; whether on the receiving end of drones or spied upon within the MIC surveillance state.......

I do recall that a group I was using on Facebook that initially showed some promise for free thinking in Britain (a rare thing) seemed also to be being controlled unnaturally. After a while it too became totally focused by it's admin on flat earth, even though the actual description of the group had no specific connection to flat earth. I left that group as I felt it was going nowhere - and it hasn't.

I generally advocate not seeking any authority at all and to question everything - there is no crime in simply being open and accepting that we ourselves do not currently know the answer.

I'm in large part an anarchist but the subject is complex and nuanced and most people don't understand it.
When I get in my car I have to abide by the authority of knowledge that brought the car into existence. This is true unless I can provide every element of the car and perform every mechanical service to the vehicle. I can't do that so I have to drive acknowledging the 'authorities' and specialization that brought the automobile into existence; this is true if I use the internet; if I need heart surgery; or countless other examples....
Where I become an anarchist is when Nation-States become corrupted. They have now become corrupted by the 100-year-old collusion between corporations, big finance, and central banking, who have bought the political process and have corrupted it.
You can see there is a clear line of demarcation for what is 'practical' anarchy and what is inane within anarchist thought.....Hell, I don't even mind submitting to human authority if I think the person I'm dealing with is wise, intelligent and benevolent......
FE theory in modern times is the result of the unholy trinity of banks, corporations and their bought and paid for political stooges....Today known as neoliberal globalism....Or corrupt nation-states...

Well.. you see.. here is how it really is.. You see the earth is actually neither flat OR round! In fact, it is actually concave.. You see, its quite hard to tell the difference by looking at it.. and the math ends up being the same as the distances are in fact the same when you compare concave to convex shapes..

I realise this is probably hard to believe.. but I've done ALL the math..
you see.. 2x +3.142/0.0001 x 4yz%/0

It took me hours to figure it out, and the math is rock solid. So i hope you now can see the real truth and help me spread the word to the masses..


Your interesting equation can be simplified to i√x/0³ and it clearly proves which reality we live in. It appears Einstein missed this. Solving this for the complex relativistic 8 dimensional wave function ψ can obviously give us anti-gravity, teleportation, time travel and super powers. But I think that people are not ready for all that yet.


oh yeah! thank god for Steemit geniuses.. i hadn't realised the obvious simplification there! Mainly the /0 at the end of my original equation accounts for the zero point variable.. which is that everything is in fact nothing.. but your version says that much more eloquently.

Thanks for this!

following u my friend!

hmm.. i will scoop out my brains to simulate converting my skull into a concave form and run some tests :)

jolly good. pls do share your findings!

Most of you know nothing, but @eco-alex is almost there, we live inside the hollow earth

what you truly believe to be true , you will always see as truth.Good post ,Followed and hope to see more quality thoutghts coming from you in the near future.

This post got a 1.10 % upvote thanks to @ura-soul - Hail Eris !

Great post. I definitely keep an open mind, but the evidence that the earth is round is overwhelming, weird to see a backwards trend on this idea.

This post has received a 11.56 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @ura-soul.

Maths and science doesn't typically work, but I also had a pretty substantial attempt at this! All for the sake of learning! The comments section is pretty massive, and surprisingly calm.


Hey @ura-soul , would love to offer to come onto my podcast sometime.

It is all about entrepreneurs; what you are doing, believe in and what difference you are making in the world.

Here is the playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5CpCNPna6p95oJfKPew0N3ZT0k-khdgg

It is audio only over skype. Does this sound of interest to you?

I agree with most of the statements but I am obliged (for the sake of truth) to clearly state that:

  1. The Bible actually states that the Earth is a sphere (in spite of the Chruch having imposed a false Greek flat earth theory for centuries).
  2. Genesis chapter 6 clearly describes extraterrestrial life on Earth.
  3. The air balloon theory is flawed as you are bound to stay within the atmosphere because of gravity.