Nicolae Minovici: The Man Who Hanged Himself Repeatedly To Study Death!

in #science7 years ago (edited)

Nicolae, say Cheese! (credit)

Continuing my series of brave (and stupid!) scientists who pulled all kinds of crazy and dangerous self-experiments in the name of science, today I want to present you the Romanian Nicolae Minovici. In case you missed the previous episodes, don't forget to read about Evan O’Neill Kane who operated on himself 3 times, Michael Smith who purposely put bees to sting his penis and Frederick Hoelzel who ate asbestos and sawdust among other things!

Now, back to Nicolae Minovici. Our hero was born in in Râmnicu Sărat, Romania on  23 October 1868 and died at the age of 73 in 26 June 1941 from an illness affecting his vocal cords.

During his lifetime he amassed quite an impressive CV. He was a forensic scientist and criminologist who served in Romania's anthropometric service, founder of the Legal Medicine Association of Romania and publisher of the Romanian journal of Legal Medicine. He even became mayor at some point in Băneasa of Bucharest and published some research on tattooing and its connections with criminal behavior which became an instant hit for some reason.

But what he will always best remembered for is his research on the effects of hanging to humans. I guess finding volunteers for such an experiment wasn't very successful (I wonder why?!) so all his research was carried out in one subject. Himself!

So, while being a professor of forensic science at the State School of Science in Bucharest, our hero set out in a journey to study the effects hanging had on humans. To do-so he DIYed various asphyxiation devices like this one: 


Initially, the experiments involved him partially hanging himself in various positions and recording what happened to himself. At first, he could only hang in there (HA!) for about 5 seconds but with experience he managed to endure for 25 seconds. Some of the symptoms he reported included vision disturbances, change in skin color and ear ringing.

But in all fairness, these early experiments were nothing to brag about. After all, he lifted himself only partially and he didn't use a constricting knot like they do in real hangings. If he wanted to call himself a real man he had to hang himself the way real men do. 

And the motherfucker almost did it! In his final experiment he used a rope with an actual Hangman's knot, put his head inside and signaled his aides to start pulling the rope. He only managed to endure the pain for four seconds before frantically signaling his assistants to stop the experiment. And his feet were still touching the ground! Imagine how bad the real deal must be! Still, this caused enough damage to his throat that he had trouble swallowing for the next month!  

This was the last time Nicolae played with ropes. But his chocking research didn't stop there. Although he couldn't find volunteers willing to get hanged he did find volunteers willing to get a milder form of choking:

He also performed choking experiments on volunteers by applying pressure on their carotid arteries and jugular veins for up to five seconds, until the faces of his subjects became red. During their post-experiment accounts, the volunteers recounted experiences such as vision problems, heat sensation in the head, as well as paraesthesias such as a tingling and numbing sensation in multiple places of their bodies. [source]

Overall I will give Nicolae Minovici a C+ when it comes to badassery because in the end he didn't manage to hang himself like a true gentleman. Still, he gets a pass from me which speaks volumes about his work!


I can vaguely recall doing a post a long time ago that included a description of what the old sentence for treason, to be "hung, drawn, and quartered", actually entailed. It was not for the faint of heart LOL

"Convicts were fastened to a hurdle, or wooden panel, and drawn by horse to the place of execution, where they were hanged (almost to the point of death), emasculated, disembowelled, beheaded, and quartered (chopped into four pieces)"

Fun times!

Wow a different time then! People in history have done some crazy things to get answers. This just reminds me how easy and good life is for us in the modern age.

scientists had balls back then :P

You think maybe he started the whole idea of bdsm?

He was a pioneer in Erotic asphyxiation!

LOL I swear to God I didn't read your comment before I wrote mine!


great minds...

Oh! My God, I can understand that you have to experiment to understand some things, but here you have to dare anyway ... I wonder if it has had an impact on him afterwards. Still a mad scientist but hey, he did not use animals to experiment hanging. Well, some tests on humans but that's all ^^

I like these post. You should talk about the man with the hundred-dollar bill "Benjamin Franklin." To test his hypothesis that lightning is static electricity, Franklin flew a kite with a metal key attached to the base in the middle of a thunderstorm. The kite was hit by lightning and Franklin was struck by a spark of electricity while moving his hand towards the key. He escaped relatively safe and with the satisfaction that the experiment in a certain way served. Hahaha

I think that is a myth actually!

Was quite fun to read, I know people do crazy things for science, his was quite extreme.
WTF, he stopped when he felt something close, a little further might just have brought that needed observation. Lol

He chickened out the moment right before the big breakthrough :P

Probably noticed there was more pain to be discovered hanging, let's call that an Observatory breakthrough for the experiment. And C+ was the score :)

Sometimes the comments are even more fun that the original post!

Good to know trumpman, he had the idea but not the dalls to make it happen for real!

Looove your writing

This was the last time Nicolae played with ropes. [...] Although he couldn't find volunteers willing to get hanged he did find volunteers willing to get a milder form of choking:

Overall I will give Nicolae Minovici a C+ when it comes to badassery because in the end he didn't manage to hang himself like a true gentleman.

Thanks, I try to write naturally as it comes, I really like it when people say they like it :P

Wow what an interesting story. I'm definitely following along for more.

Thanks for the follow :D

That's a hero we got then. What a wonderful mindset.

I truly love this post.
For the love of Science! 😁😂😂

idk why but this is so funny and interesting at the same time. haha but it shows how much passion he had in his work.

He was a real scientist :p

sounds like an early pioneer in autoerotic asphyxiation

Let's honor his legacy!

I knew a guy who tried, when you die like that it's the worst.

What a weird fucking guy

Weird but brave :D

Everything is in the name of science, I would not do it but I do not criticize your efforts to discover new things and advance your studies ... greetings

what can he gain for this?

Fame for sure. 100 years after his death and people still talk about his crazy experiment!

I cant imagine.

You can't imagine what? :/

What he went through....

Wow, so there are people who would actually put themselves so on the edge of danger this way?

What if just once, things went out of hand and he actually died.

My parents would be proud.*Taste Cyanide and Feature in @trumpman's post * :), A+ guaranteed.

I like this - weird history. It seems weird, but it is just science.

Somebody had to do some really dangerous and uncomfortable stuff to retrieve for us a lot of the knowledge we have today. They're heroes to the rest of us, really.

This brings some other cases to mind. I'm hoping you're ahead of me on that thought and will be posting more weird goodness. I'm following to see.


Fuck off

Nice try editing your spam but the blockchain remembers. Screenshot_20180216-065231.png